Elk Mojo


Long Time Member
Well my son and I have a murds crk tag coming up next week, I'm asking for some elk mojo here, man it seems I've lost my deer mojo these last few years.

I'm older and fatter and now my knees swell when in steep country, but I'm going to do a spike camp this year, back in an area I lost a decent bull back 4 years ago...I don't believe in luck just hard work and allot of Advil.... LOL

Happy hunting you elk nuts...you know who you are!???
best of luck to you Manny and your boy!

When you see a ridge off in the distance and you say to yourself, "its too far and there's probebly nothing over there" thats where they will be! When you get to that ridge and about 500yrds across is another area that looks great, but your just toooo tired to hike all the way down and back up again...thats where they will be!!!

I just got back from our youth hunt in the Ochoco's and it was fantastic!!! My kids are growing up faster than I could ever imagine. Cherish this time with you boy...you will always remember it Manny!

have fun and get a big'in ~

Good luck to you, Manny. I've seen one good bull come out of the Northside Unit so far during this first season.
just confirmed...a monster, record book big a$$ spike was killed on Aldridge MT yesterday! There are elk in them parts! ;)

LOL... thanx guys, well props goes to Muleyman he's the one who gave me the GPS to this spot we're heading to bout 4 years ago.

as I said I lost a decent bull in there, but the weather is different this time around and I hope it stays that way cause it was warm and rainy which washed away the blood trail...

prayer! whats that...LOL
good luck manny. but remember you create your own mojo. if the hunting tuff , you can ALWAYS hike your way out of a bad hunt and into a great hunt. use your glasses and get your hike on!!
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