elk hunting northern idaho



Hi guys I am from Oregon but will be moving up to the northern idaho area this june. I am applying in oregon this year but want to also hunt archery elk and possibly deer in northern idaho area. I am not looking for any spots but just general info. What does it cost to buy an elk tag? also license and if interested what about deer. I am also thinking of applying for some harder units to maybe get in the future what is the whole application process?
I am just trying to get started in what I need to be prepared for. Does anyone know if idaho fish and game could send a synopsis?

Thanks for all the help
Get on the Idaho Fish and Game website and subscribe to weekly emails. Get acquainted with it and start doing research on their site. Also do searches on this site for the areas you are interested by the unit. Idaho is full of good people, just slow down and talk to a few. Good luck.

Lots of elk and lots of brush, the bulls tend to hang down in the canyons in that country then feed into old clear cuts. You shouldn't have a problem finding elk. Whitetail muzzleloader tags are good ones up there plenty of deer around. Snake river units have some good hunting for deer and elk.
NR License - $154.75
NR Elk Tag - $416.75
NR Deer Tag - $301.75
Archery Permit - $20

I've hunted northern Idaho (unit 10) and it is some incredibly steep country but, there are elk up there. Get in shape, be prepared to deal with wolves and go have fun.

Raghorn Hunting Services
[email protected]
Thanks for the help guys I have been trying to get familiar with the idaho fish and game site and take in as much as I can. My girlfriends family is moving up there so we plan on it as well. Her dad works there now for a brush cutting company and has hunted there his whole life so I am getting a lot of info and spots from him which is nice. I am just trying to get as much general info as I can.
I am pretty excited to hunt that nasty stuff I am in gate shape and love those deep canyons.
If anyone needs info for oregon pm me. Also anyone in need of a hunting partner I am interested since I will be hunting alone. I am young and in shape and hunt hard there is a reason I usually hunt alone.
Ive talked to a lot of Oregon hunters who after a hunting trip to north Idaho, couldn't believe how bad the brush is. Its like hunting in a jungle. That being said, south Idaho has less brush and open country, like what you might find in NE and eastern Oregon. I have my best action in north Idaho calling elk the last two weeks of September. Get Idaho's game unit maps, get on google earth, get a good quality topo map program for your computer and start scouting. Don't waste your time in the clearwater region, especially the Lolo zone. These are wolf hot spots, and can be very frustrating trying to keep tabs on elk. Elk may be there one week and completely disappear the next, from wolf activity. Not to mention, the winters of 08 and 09 took quite a toll. Good luck.


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