Elk Hunt in Idaho.



Just got back in from an Elk Hunt. These are Over the counter tags, up here in "wolf central".

Day One:
We worked in on a herd before daylight that had a bugeling bull in it. My friend was the shooter that morning. I could see the herd bull coming out, but this guy walked out at 100 yards and my buddy said he would do just fine. He made a good shot with his 270 and the bull went 40-50 yards stopped and got another round in the shoulder that put him down. Then we had to pack meat.... a long ways.


Day Two:
I am tired and sore from packing out the bull the day before. My little brother wakes me up and says get out of bed you sissy, I will take it easy on you today.... We get a mile or so in, and split up with him going up the creek and me easing out the old road because it is wet and I have blisters on my feet now. There I am enjoying the sunrise on a ridge top with a view and finishing up my breakfast burritto; a single shot rings out... I knew I was going to be tired tonight before my radio cracked "bull down brother"..
More meat to pack...


Day Three:
I am very sore now, my feet are bleeding through my socks in a couple of spots. My back is killing me from packing out two bulls in two days. Wondering if we have any luck left over, we are 50% now on nice bulls, which is not too shabby. The bulls are quite now, and stirred up. Should be heading for the dark holes and thick timber and leaving the cows behind... Its going to be hard, or real lucky to get one now. That's what I say over one too many whiskey and waters with my brother.. He says, he is sure he will be sleeping in the next morning and he is pretty sure I will not kill one if I do; pours another whiskey and starts telling his story again, his arms casting a shadow from the fire on the wall tent as he shows what he saw when his bull was coming through the brush...
My plan is to get way up high, way before light; hope one will squeal, move in and kill him at daylight.
I am hour before daylight several miles in, had a tense disscussion/negoitation with a good sized bear on the way up the mountain that held me up for a bit, but I am in position. I don't feel like any breakfast this morning...
I hear a bull squeal, but can not put a location on it. I am leaned up against a nice fir tree and comfortable, but still sweaty, it is hard to stay awake. There is another sueal, this time I put him at under a half mile and two small drainages away. I try not to get cockey about it, but I know the lay of the land, and I know I have a good chance at this bull. I smile in the darkness and take off. The sky is getting gray now, daylight is more and more apparent every second, I am racing across the slopes with one drainage to go. I am breathing hard now, but the ridge line is in sight, gotta slow down and catch my breath, the shot might be long. I clear the ridge line and there are elk less than 100 yards away, I am not detected. No bull in sight. Where are you! My cross hairs drift from elk to elk to elk.... All cows and calves. He bugles, oh you sneaky thing, 200 yards down the slope away from the cows in the tree and brush line. I see the end game clear now; I will not get a shot, he is on the move and will be in the thick stuff in a matter of seconds. If he goes over the ridge right there, I may have a 200 yard shot, but only if he goes right there. I have to make a move now! I know the cows will see me, but if it works he will be dead before ever noticeing that they are spooked... He is headed up the far ridge now. I jump up and dash down my ridge, watching him and the opening, it is getting bigger with every jump that I take. There it is, that fallen tree will work for a rest. Every thing is slowing down. He is facing straight away, my 300 ultra mag is enough gun for the shot, but I think better of it. I cow call at him hard, he bugles but does not turn, does not stop. Two more steps and he is gone. I call again, much more winey and long. Weld my cheek to the stock, flick the saftey, steady my breath and take a pound out of the trigger. The cross hairs are just blipping with my heartbeat.

He stops, bugeling turns broadside. I hear the cows now clamering out of the draw to my left. I see through the scope that he notices them as well and begins to cut his bugle short. Guess I missjudged that by a bit; lucky. I take out the last pound of trigger, along with both of his lungs and the top of his heart.

That is one nice hunt. Congrtas to the three of you. Dang nice general season bulls. Looks like you have the elk and the area down. Thanks for sharing the story and the photos!!!
Awesome story and what great looking bulls!

Great looking bulls guys! And way to get it done in "wolf central" haha, I like the looks of your brothers bull the most, but heck, I'd let the lead fly at any if em lol. Once again, congrats guys!!!
Hell YEAH!!! Nice job guys!! 3 bulls in 3 days. Could life get any better? I bet the best part of that day was seeing the wall tent and knowing that there was a stiff drink inside and a sleeping bag!
Congrats on the three bulls. Looks like you guys found the honey hole. I wish I was that lucky. Idaho truely is wolf central. It's getting harder and harder every year to have the desire to hike mile after mile in hope of at least hearing a single bugle, but knowing chances are, the only think i'm going to here are wolves howling. Every year there are fewer elk and its seems like twice the wolves. Hopefully Otter's letter will have an impact on the feds so we can finally manage the damn things. Sorry for rambling on, but again congrats on your success. If you don't mind me asking, what unit were you guys in?
Great hunt and story. Good to see someone is enjoying what Idaho has to offer. Unfortunately it's stories like this that make the wooods crowded, so does anyone have anything negative to say about Idaho to keep the NR's away!!!!
>Great hunt and story. Good
>to see someone is enjoying
>what Idaho has to offer.
> Unfortunately it's stories like
>this that make the wooods
>crowded, so does anyone have
>anything negative to say about
>Idaho to keep the NR's

Sure. The fishing sucks here as well....




It is way too steep and nasty for your Wife to come on an elk or deer hunt....



There are no deer or bird hunting opportunities either...




The Wolves ate all the Moose...


And in the Winter time there is nothing to do on your way to work, so don't even think about Trapping...



Yep Idaho sucks...

If you are wondering that crazy G-3 or 2 or what ever it is supposed to be is just a hair under 30" long.
Ended up grossing 330 something.


Ha! Prolly the best post I've ever seen on the Idaho forum!

How can this be??? I mean it's a well known "FACT" the wolves and greedy residents have killed every last living critter here! obviously these pictures were taken in "COLOVADAZONA" where points have shown us the light and tags are few and far between!

LMAO! Good on you SpringBear!

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
If you think there is a lot of game here in Idaho i really got to consider moving back to Washington. I have been here three months, I know I really don't have a clue of all the game here but from what I have seen here so far with the the population of people and the amount of Nation Forests compared to Washington; The Washington game dept is doing 10x better managing the game. Idaho does harvest larger Mule deer but they seem to be harvested during these trophy draw hunts that Idaho puts on like in Bennett Hills(for example). I guess that's hunting or like winning a lottery-lol. I have hunted in Wyoming in general seasons where you see many bucks during the season and this is on public land during general season and the same in Washington. Here you hunt all day without even seeing a doe. I know I am not the only one as I have talked to many many local Boise Idaho resident who have lived here all their lives and are saying that the deer and Elk population has went down very dramatically in the last 5 years. Private property and special draw tags may always be good but I'm talking national forest and public access blm land hunting. But don't fret there is thing that IDGF can do that can change things around and still not hurt revenue just like Washington did. But Idaho might have to give up some of the trophy lottery hunts for starters.
Funny stuff. If you've ever been back into one of the wilderness hunts, over 50% of the hunters I've met were from WA. They all tell me WA sucks for hunting.

How far did you drive your ATV?
>If you think there is a
>lot of game here in
>Idaho i really got to
>consider moving back to Washington.
>I have been here three
>months, I know I really
>don't have a clue of
>all the game here but
>from what I have seen
>here so far with the
>the population of people and
>the amount of Nation Forests
>compared to Washington; The Washington
>game dept is doing 10x
>better managing the game. Idaho
>does harvest larger Mule deer
>but they seem to be
>harvested during these trophy draw
>hunts that Idaho puts on
>like in Bennett Hills(for example).
>I guess that's hunting or
>like winning a lottery-lol. I
>have hunted in Wyoming in
>general seasons where you see
>many bucks during the season
>and this is on public
>land during general season and
>the same in Washington. Here
>you hunt all day without
>even seeing a doe. I
>know I am not the
>only one as I have
>talked to many many local
>Boise Idaho resident who have
>lived here all their lives
>and are saying that the
>deer and Elk population has
>went down very dramatically in
>the last 5 years. Private
>property and special draw tags
>may always be good but
>I'm talking national forest and
>public access blm land hunting.
>But don't fret there is
>thing that IDGF can do
>that can change things around
>and still not hurt revenue
>just like Washington did. But
>Idaho might have to give
>up some of the trophy
>lottery hunts for starters.

Hate to burst your bubble bud, but Idaho has tons of big game on public land in general hunts. Some trophy critters too. That view is extremely unpopular on this site but it's true all day every day. Believe that.

Idaho has some problems, but you'd be the first guy I've ever encountered who would rather be hunting in Washington. Don't come here for three months and join the "lets change the F&G" crowd. Go hunt, Idaho gives you that opportunity. Learn what it takes here and you'll be very successful. Or go back to Washington.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Hate to burst your bubble bud, but as much as I have been in the mountains it doesn't take me long to see a problem.
God gave me the opportunity to Hunt not Idaho.
>Hate to burst your bubble bud,
>but as much as I
>have been in the mountains
>it doesn't take me long
>to see a problem.
>God gave me the opportunity to
>Hunt not Idaho.

Quit whining and get out there and learn the area. There is plenty of game, you have to be willing to work for it. I have my buck in the freezer already, and saw 15 plus animals every day I went out. Like the guys said, park the atv, get out there and climb a few ridges and glass. There is way more wilderness in Idaho than there is in Washington by the way.
>Hate to burst your bubble bud,
>but as much as I
>have been in the mountains
>it doesn't take me long
>to see a problem.
>God gave me the opportunity to
>Hunt not Idaho.

LMAO at you!

Go back to Washington you fukkin clown.............

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Lets stop trying to convince the guy that there is plenty of game here. Let him move back to WA if thats his opinion.

Brymoore is right about 50% of the vehicles being from WA, its crazy.
>Go back to Washington you fukkin
>GSJ, Wow you make one classy
>argument there.

Glad you approve. I'm all done dancing around issues on this site. Ready to let 'em know what time it is.............

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
three months huh? yup, youve got it all down. there must not be any critters left if you say so. just put my house up and getting ready to head to washington. good bye idaho. sucks i wasted so much time here (my entire life). how is the hunting around seattle? thanks.
They have many more miles of Interstate to hunt from in Washington than they do Idaho. Give the guy a break. LOL

We get that alot here in Montana too. People have been here 6 months and already know all the game counts and where there aren't any animals. Makes a guy wonder.
Hunting in Washington is great and no I'm not from the West side in the Seattle area. I was hoping to make the record book in another state in a general hunt in another state but I work in an outdoor store where I get to talk to more hunters and from what I am being told and also from what Ive' been seeing at least in a 200 mile radius of this area its a controlled quality hunt where most the record book bucks come from. In fact on this site most of the pictures that are posted of big bucks(Mule Deer) that qualify Boone and Crocket are from controlled hunts.I have taken my fair share of big game animals from four different states and not trying to down Idaho it is beautiful here. I just want to see all states manage game so we all have the best hunting opportunity left for us and our children to experience. Its just an opinion no need to get upset. Hunting is my life.
You expected to get a B&C deer by hunting Arrowrock? It's one of the heaviest hunted areas in the state.

There hasn't been enough weather this year to push the deer out of the mountains. Wait 2 or 3 weeks and drive up to Arrowrock. You'll see hundreds of deer.
You say you want the best hunting opportunity? Then you're in the right state. Every where else you will find your opportunity restricted. You have not been here long enough to draw any conclusions. I here alot of bull$hit in sporting stores too..............B&C is a lofty goal for a general hunt (or any hunt anywhere) but guess what, There are prolly a few in 39 right now......

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
That's funny washington, hunting is your life and you can't find a doe in 39?

Dude, we been having our fun with you. Learn the state and the units. There's some fine hunting in Idaho but you need to earn a big buck. Hike long and find some honey holes. Without weather, 39 is a crap shoot. With weather, well, it can be a slaughter. This year without weather is a tough year.

I'm sure some of us would drink a beer with you and give you some tips.
On our third outing we were able to find a descent 20 1/2" wide 4x4 in unit 32 that my 16 year old son did harvest here in Idaho this year. This last week in unit 39 we have seen 10 does and three 2 pointers but no shooters.Seen both a cinnamon and a blackie in the 6' range this year but already have too many rugs and also one in the book. Have one muley that grosses 184 from Washington and four in the 135-150 class and many smaller bucks from my earlier hunting years. All these animals were taken from general tag hunts on public land In Washington.I hope what you guys are telling me is true. I will stay persistant and learn what Idaho has to offer on its general hunts.
Washington Vehicles

Hit the nail on the head, literally half of the vehicles I saw near known good backcountry elk areas were from Washington this year. That was all prime area outta Big Creek. I thought it was weird and was unsure why as it's my first season ever elk hunting. But washington does blow so I see why this guy has a stick up his ass
My friend that is 19 took a 28" 4 point outta 32 last year, when theres weather up high in early october theres some game in there man, hang in there and hike as most ppl road hunt in 32 and 39. You'll be glad you did

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