Elk hunt for Moose


Very Active Member
Hello, We are researching elk units in the bighorns and in moose area 38/41. My friend has 15 nonresident moose points and is wanting to hunt elk next year so he can learn the area for when he draws the moose tag. We have seven and eight points each for elk and we realize that we might be leaving a little meat on the bone on our elk hunt, but his moose hunt will be once in a lifetime and has priority.

His first choice for moose is 38/41. Using eastmans as a guide there are no blue chip elk hunts in the area. Much of the area is white (poor) with areas 6, 11, 108,114, & 125 being the only green areas. These 5 units have decent success rates from 40-65 percent but none are rated better than C for access. We are leaning towards 108, how is this area for moose?

His second choice for moose would be the bighorns units 1,34,42. Elk units 45 and 38 are blue and green respectively and are rated for better access.

We would bowhunt for elk, not sure if work would allow a return for the rifle season. Has anyone seen moose while hunting elk in these areas? How difficult are moose to find? Should we just go moose hunting and hold out for a better elk area? We have hunted elk for years in Oregon. I understand a poor Wyoming unit trumps some of our better elk areas. We will be happy with any size elk so long as there is some opportunity while learning moose country. Are there any other areas in the state to consider this type of hunt? Feel free to PM if you choose.
The Bighorns units are great for elk and for moose if/when he can draw the tags. Look at past threads on elk hunts for both 38 and 45. The better moose hunting, I believe, would be up around the Burgess Junstion area of the BH Forest. I also see moose along the highway frequently on trips between Buffalo and TenSleep. They tend to be along the creek drainages throughout the forest.
I've been looking at the Bighorns also for elk also but have never hunted WY. Not sure if you're interested in a guided hunt but I have talked directly with an outfitter out of Buffalo at a couple shows. He had some video of a huge bull moose last year I believe in unit 45. Although not a moose hunter myself, this was obviously a huge moose and he said if I know of anyone with moose points to pass this along. The outfitter is A Double J and he's "endorsed" through the Sportsman's warehouse. I think the moose is actually on an elk hunt video of Mike Deming on You Tube so you can look it up. His prices for elk hunts seemed generally "reasonable" to me. I also believe the moose was in the wilderness area so as a non-resident a guide is required to hunt the area. Good luck!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-13 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]The bighorns have a pretty healthy moose population. I use to work in Sheridan and would drive over highway 14 and 14A a few times a week. Seen so many moose...Most people road hunt the units. But if a guy can just walk a drainage with water and willows you will find a good bull. The first couple weeks of September for bowhunting is the best. the bulls are still in their summer grounds. But as soon as that rut kicks in like any animal they start to move. Sometimes they can move a few miles or they might move over one drainiage. I have been on a couple of moose hunts up their and they have been super easy and a moose hunt that took the last day of finding a decent bull.
My wife hada 43 moose tag a few years ago and we hunted with Rusty ( A Double J ) and it was a very tough hunt. the weather turned cold and the moose were held up in the timber which made a tough hunt even harder. Rusty kept here around extra days and she got a bull but nothing special. 45 is a good elk hunt and I would highly recommend Rusty if you decide to use an outfitter for moose or elk.

Every unit in the Bighorns has a few monster moose in it, but they can be hard to find when you're looking. we hunted before the elk season started, I would suggest you do as well. if you wait the moose will be the rest of the way out of the rut and the elk hunters will be bumping them around. if you want to go into the Scapegoat you will need horses and an outfitter or a WY resident hunting with you.

If we had our points back I would try for area 1 or 38. I burnt mine on 23 about 10 years ago so I'm out of the game too.

Stay thirsty my friends
Elk area 108 has NO moose in it, none, (and the access for elk will be an issue for a non-resident, I would recommend hiring a guide.)

6 has a few moose now and then, but they are rare. The elk are mostly on private, little to no access to hunt bull elk, some HMA for late season cows. 114 and 125 have a few moose that wander off the forest, but again, a DIY hunter will have a heck of a time gaining access for elk or moose. 11 has potential for both, would be the best bet of the units listed in the Snowy Range.

Take Eastmans' recommendations with a (large) grain of salt.
While a good strategy, these hunts need to be seperated or you'll wind up compromising on both. Also w/ 15 moose points it could still be a long wait for a moose tag in either the Snowy's or Bighorns. First your friend needs to pick out his moose area, I think the Snowy's are the best, but my buddy has hunted elk there for the past 12 years and knows the area. Its a tougher moose tag to draw and he may still be 10+ years away for a Snowy's tag. The Bighorn areas should be a slightly better draw for moose. Might I recommend hunting cow elk in his selected moose area instead of burning the bull tags. Then if you see what you like you can go back and hunt bull elk or go on to another area. Believe me an out of state moose hunt in Wyoming is a one-time wonder so don't screw it up. I'd want at least 2 years experience in an area during hunting season to get a feel for where to find those elusive big bull moose...good luck.
I helped my brother on an elk hunt in 108 this fall, and it sucked. There were virtually no elk on the public land that we could access. We didn't see any moose either.
Unless you plan on hiring an outfitter, DO NOT elk hunt in 108!
Thanks to all that replied. This is the type of info that you just can't get fumbling thru the states fish and game website. We are now looking hard at a unit 45 elk hunt. It appears to be a great moose area and there seems to be plenty of elk opportunity there as well...perfect. I have searched unit 45 elk archives and it appears to be a fun hunt. I need to research it for forest/wilderness ratios. We will be unguided, is the hunting outside the wilderness decent? My friend won't apply for his moose tag this year so we won't try and squeeze to much into one hunt. As for the elk tag, we are right on the number, not a sure thing without spending the extra for the special tag.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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