Elk/Deer Question



Greetings all,
I have a question that Im hoping some one can answer. Do Elk and Deer share the same areas together for feed, water shelter, etc.... or do both species perfer to stay away from each other? Im thinking they do live side by side but I have really never seen Deer around the Elk heards. Thanks in advance.

" I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks"
Daniel Boone
First thing to keep in mind whenever a nature question comes up, is that animals are creatures of opportunity. They adapt to whatever is efficient and convenient.

There is rarely an answer that can be stated as, "they always" or "they never".....

That said, in a large portion of the available habitat where I live, deer and elk are very common in the areas of feed, cover and water.

They have both adapted to the Owens river basin and while deer are basically browsers and elk are basically grazers, the food sources exist in abundance for both species.

The cover required by both species is exceptional and they take advantage of it together. I am fairly sure, there are no tea parties or PTA meetings going on, but they sure don't seem bothered by each others company.

I see bucks and bulls bedded down within yards of each other, while does and cows generally keep a more defined distance.

In other areas of this State and in areas where larger herds of elk exist, I don't believe that both species maintain such a close proximity to each other.....unless conditions force them to do so.

All factors considered, I would say feed sources are the defining factor, but even then, I have seen HUNDREDS of deer grazing in alfalfa fields all over Colorado and Utah, so the bottom line remains.....they do what they have to do to survive another day.
nickman hit it. I know both will eat the same food, but each will focus more on different food sources. I think the biggest thing they will compete for is the water. It really doesnt take much to keep a deer alive, thats why you find them in the desert, but elk need more water to survive.

The biggest thing I have found is elk prefer to stay out of pastures that hold a lot of cattle. Deer dont seem to be bothered by this as much, but I find most of the elk just off the pastures where the cattle arent.

Thanks Gents for the imput. Clears up my question big time

" I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks"
Daniel Boone

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California Guides & Outfitters

Western Wildlife Adventures

Offering some fine Blacktail Deer hunting, Wild Pig hunts, Turkey hunts and Waterfowl hunts.

Urge 2 Hunt

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