Elk are tough


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-11 AT 01:31PM (MST)[p]Had this emailed to me. Don't know anything beyond that. Crazy though!

"Idaho elk hunt.... Pretty unbelievable.

Well folks I did not have time to tell about the surprise I found in this years Idahobull at the time of my Idahoreport. I have the time today to post a report with photos. This years Idahobull was a gift as I was not in the shape I normally would be in. Also the bull dropped in his tracks on the top of a very steep ridge, thanks to the .416 Taylor. If the bull would have gone down either side of the ridge it would have been hell packing him out because bringing him back up too the top was
not an option. I am very happy with my bull and everything seemed
normal. Once the bull was back at camp the head went on the altar. After a few days I figured it was time to boil the head out for transportation. Now if I were to just cut the antlers off I would have never found the surprise. I skinned out the head and every thing was normal and after boiling for about 8 hours in water and Borax the head was about done. I took a stick to clean off some of the sticky tissue and when I was cleaning the left eye socket out I kept hitting something. I was shocked to see a broad head arrow in his head. I could not imagine what it would be like to go on living with an arrow in your head. It just goes to show you how tough these animals are. He is now
known as my Broad Head Bull. Enjoy the photos. "

-Captain Steve Talmadge
-Flash Sport Fishing








For the love of the game
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-11 AT 01:23PM (MST)[p]Dang it, pics aren't working. It's uploading them as a black photo. Let me work on this....

For the love of the game

Elk are tough. Wonder how long he walked around with that? Exactly why I will never "cut my tag" until I can put in on a dead animal.

Cool photos.

they sure are. when i use to cut meat we found broadheads, found several bullets some with more than one bullet.
Wow!... Poor basturd..lol .. Cool story and pics, thanks


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Wow that is pretty neat. A buddy of mine took an elk in Idaho a few years ago. Skinning the head out he found either a wolf or lion canine tooth broke off in the skull. Pretty crazy to see.
That is pretty wild! Remember the story of the guy who shot himself in the face with a nailer and had a 4 inch nail in his skull and didn't even know it.

Thanks for the story and the picts. Would be a pretty cool story if you could find the dude who shot that arrow and when?

I was once witness to a bull being shot in the chest cavity 5 times with a .300 Winmag before he finally hit the dirt. There was not a solid piece of tissue when we cut him open. The entire chest cavity was liquified. I could not believe how tough it was. That's why you ALWAYS shoot til their on the ground and then wait a minute to make sure those darn things don't get back up and run away. I've had that happen too!

It's always an adventure!!!
Wow thats crazy.Makes you wonder what the heck the hunter was trying to shoot or if the arrow was deflected by a branch...
That must be last year?? Where has it snowed this year??? Pretty amazing story!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Definitely a lousy shot on the part of the archer. Ya gotta get both lungs. I wouldn't doubt that broadhead could have been there quite a while either. I have 2 screws in my ankle that have been there for almost 30 yrs without an issue.

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."
was with a buddy that killed a big ol nasty bull in idaho one year, this thing had only 1 eye, was so skinny after the rut that he looked like death walking. Skinned him and the meat actually had a green tint to it, i don't think his dog would even touch the meat. When the taxi caped the head he found 6 tips of antlers that had broken off in his face from fighting.

Another taxi friend of mine received a bull from a guy last year, when we caped it we found 2 pistol slugs flattened out just under the skin on the forehead, i later talked to the guy who shot it, he said he shot it with a .44mag point blank, those slugs never even cracked the skull.
I killed a bull in New Mexico a few years ago with my muzzleloader. He was feeding in thick, tall sage and all I could see was a decent split on his antlers above the sage as he fed. It was getting late so we hurried close enough for a good shot. I hit him in the chest and watched as he stumbled away over a little rise. There was a deep wash between us and the bull and we had to walk down about 1/4 a mile to get across and so it was dark when we got back to him. I was amazed when we got to him as he had a 10-12 inch split on top of 30inch long beams, so a glorified 2-point. We got him halfed and back to camp on ATV's with some help from my friends. Once in the light we found that he had been hit in the front knee and the thing had calcified into a huge bone the shape of a football and a little larger right on the knee, causing him to have no bend in his knee. The next morning I skinned him out and found a broadhead in his brisket, and another muzzleloader slug along his backbone. I figured that bull had been shot by 3 other people before I killed him... We cut thru the middle of the big calcium deposit and it was like honeycomb of bone and clear liquid. Thus the reason his antlers had not developed. He was a huge bodied bull with a huge bases.. Pretty interesting find.

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