Electrifying baseball play!

LAST EDITED ON May-04-10 AT 10:49AM (MST)[p]It seems excessive to me - the kid wasn't endangering himself or anyone and really, there was enough people to catch him and by all rights they really should have had him captured quite a bit earlier. I think the officer was dead set on using the taser - you can see him attempting to do so right at the beginning, maybe that is why the other employees weren't giving a lot of effort into catching him. Clearly they weren't trained to avoid any physical confrontation as they all jumped on him when he was down. The officer knew he wasn't going to catch him and it was his last chance, fat bastard was out of gas! It was actually a pretty dang good running shot though so kudos to him for his marksmanship! Funny as hell.

But still, it seems a bit punitive, but it is a probably a little more gentle than the way Mike Curtis of the Baltimore Colts handled a fan who ran on the field:

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I say justified. They could tackle him, and maybe injure themselves, or he could even get ahold of the gun or something. Wouldn't you rather see him tasered than get hit with a baton? I think it was fine. He wasn't obeying the law, and the security guards have to protect the players. I say justified.
That was a bad decision to use a Taser. Geez, didn't the guy have a sidearm?


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Boo Hoo for him. Which jail's he at? I'll send him a Hallmark card. I can see it now. The first time some crazy runs out and shivs a player then everyone will be screaming why the police did not take them more seriously and take immediate action.

Let's not forget that less than a week ago now someone tried to blow up half of time square. Maybe some smart fan or maybe someone a little more ill intentioned. Either way the cops are always gonna be damned if they do, damned if they don't.

The blatantly absent question seems to be why was moron breaking the law to begin with? How many other fans were in that stadium that night who went home without incident?
LAST EDITED ON May-04-10 AT 04:31PM (MST)[p]I guess those boys have never chased a sheep down in a field only to hope it gets its head caught in the fence? OOOPs did that slip out? Man I could have pulled a "hat trick" If I had one of those tazers in that pasture.....Wheres that thread again about "Going back in time, and do you have any regrets? :)
TAGS A HACKER!!! TAGS A HACKER!!! I DID NOT SEND THAT PIC TO ANYONE!! WTF!! Homer J was right, I bet you guys have streamed pictures of hot naked woman to my computer too:) (finger are crossed)!! LOL nice Tag, very nice!!
If you don't want to get tasered then stay the hell off the field. the idiot even asked his dad if he should and his dad said no. stupid is stupid does. Here's your sign.
I like it! Completely justified.

They should have something like that at every game during the 7th inning stretch. If the guy doesn't go down he gets a free bag of peanuts.


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
>I like it! Completely justified.
>They should have something like that
>at every game during the
>7th inning stretch. If the
>guy doesn't go down he
>gets a free bag of
>Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8

+1 that is a funny video! Both of them are! Wonder if he still thinks its funny?
I say give the cop a bag of peanuts and a beer with some great tickets to another game!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

No he wouldn't. But a Really cute girl couldn't of ran that fast either.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
What's the big deal? He didn't do any flopping around or look like he was in pain. I expected him to really be in bad shape. I don't see the problem with tasering him. I've never been hit but I've got two bro-in-laws that are Sheriffs and they said you don't want to be tased. Guy got what was coming to him.

I think I would rather be tased than tackled by Mad Dog Mike Curtis without pads!

Punk kid learned a valuable and hard lesson, but has one heck of a story to tell. He will go down in history as the "kid who got tased" and will be immortalized on ESPN and MLB specials throughout the next hundred years. It is one of those things where people tell you that you are stupid to your face but give you a high five at the same time. And another idiot ran out on the field last night so it didn't really deter any one else from doing the same stupid thing. So who really won here?

It looks like the officer is being supported by his department so if he was well within his guidelines and justified for use that amount of force then it was a good call. No one got hurt either and the incident was quickly taken care of.

I just think they could have caught him a little earlier, maybe they all knew what the officer wanted and didn't grab him because they were secretly saying to themselves - "Punk is gonne ride the lightning - can't wait to see it!" and instead of catching him, were trying to herd him to the taser. Plus maybe they were a little worried they might get hit with it too.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
maybe this will send a message. Can you remember when the KC first base coach was attacked by the father and son, and got jacked before anyone could really get to them. But with the young hottie, let her run!
Learned a valuable lesson?? Are you kidding me? This is just another gratuitous example of the Gestapo police state this country is becoming! We have let our guard down so much about use of force that we don't realize how close we are to strict martial law being implemented right before our very eyes with our own approval. We have to stop this. WAY EXCESSIVE! TOTALLY UNNECESSARY!

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli

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