Elbow Sugery



I had an elbow sugery, about a year ago. I'm still having elbow pain and may need Tommy John sugery! I shoot a bowtech @ 68lbs, turned it down to 55lbs and still have elbow pain. I will not give up archery hunting. So I'm thinking of getting a new bow and shooting the least amount of poundage I can. Any thoughts or others with similar issues.

PM d13er, he'll be able to give you some advice. He's had elbow pain from his masterbation problem for years now...

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
jeezus Zach....you are such a blabber mouth....wtf??.......try wearing one of those elastic elbow bands for tendonitis...they really work...

lol my bad...I'm just bitter cuz the Lakers are sucking so bad lately so I feel like I gotta razz someone!! I know you'll give me sh1t right back!! :)

Oh you missed a spelling error though ...it's "surgery" not "sugery"...

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
yes I have tried wearing a brace. Lakers win 4 stright, and they are 2 time defending Cahmps.
I have never seen one in action, but you might look into a Rip Shot (RipArchery.com) They make a brace that might help you. Looks like it puts most of the stress of your release above your elbow.
I have had two tommy john surgeries due to baseball so I kind of understand the elbow pain. I think that it would be a good idea to shoot as much lbs as your elbow will let you. I know that when I snapped my ulna-collateral ligament, I could still pull back my bow without too much pain. I can also tell you that around 6 mo after my surgery, I felt almost 100% with no pain. So either way, you'll be ok. It might just be a temporary adjustment you have to make. Also, if you have to get surgery, do it right after hunting season to give yourself the most recoop time possible.
I had right shoulder pain from a ripped rotator cuff. I bought a 50 pound Bowtech Tribute with the regular "smooth" mods and cranked it up to the max which is 53 pounds. I can shoot that just fine and with the Axis arrows, I've got a pass-through on a deer and on a javelina. I think it will work fine on an elk at a reasonable range through the lungs. Last year I had the surgery and it took 6 months to get back to shooting. I bought another Tribute, 60 pounds max, and set it up for 53 pounds. This year I may start to slowly increase the weight, but I'm taking it really slow, because I don't want to have to go through the surgery ever again. I also have pain in my left shoulder from a partial rotator cuff tear, but the surgery is so bad that I'll live with that for now since it doesn't impact my archery. Some bows, like the Tribute with the smooth cam mods were much easier to draw than the others I tried.
-- Good Luck!

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