


Ok, At 60 years of age I still have an Ego problem when it comes to hunting. I'm a DIY kind of guy. I can afford a guide but the satisfaction of doing it myself seems to take presidence when I hunt. I took an archery cow in 09 on a solo hunt in Nv 231 1/2 mile from my rig. Took 3 trips after boneing her out to get her on ice at 50degees. Now I have a LE bull archery tag for the SWDesert and I know that the weather probably isn't going to cooperate with me on this hunt. I may or may not have help on this hunt. What I'm saying is When I take my bull I'm going to do all I can to make this hunt the hunt of a lifetime. By ME.
Should be about 15 minutes before the first scathing comment appears congratulating you on some form of self righteousness..... ;-)

I can handle anythin they put out. I learn years ago that the the only thing you can control completely is your emotions.
I refuse to give anyone the power to control these.
Thanks Berryblaster. I've got it handled.
A lot of guys do what you plan to do. Even at older ages. No reason to have an ego, just be damn proud you can still do it. Guess I'm missing the reason of your post. mtmuley
It seems that alot of people get slammed for putting in for an area that they know nothing about. I don't know why. All I'm saying is I drew a tag that I never should have drawn, I've never hunted the area, but my ethics when it comes to hunting will cause me to do everything in my power to make this hunt the best that I can do. Some will say that I need to hire a guide giving what I have posted so far, and that's still an option, but my goal is to take a bull that I can relish for the rest of my life if I never draw another bull tag.
Well, If you have the tag, and are committed to putting in the effort to make the most of the opportunity, I say good luck and keep us posted as to the outcome. Guided hunts are not for everybody. Personally, I wouldn't consider it unless I could afford big-time hunts for dangerous critters. Sometimes, I guess, conditions dictate an expert. Again, good luck. mtmuley
Thanks fatrooster. I'm usually on this mm forum 7 days a week. Though I may not do alot of posting I try to read and learn from others as much as I can. You are one of the posters I have come to trust in their posts. Thank you. Are you a NV Res?

I don't think self sufficiency and determination are an ego problem. Start thinking you are all that over others and then maybe it would be.

I get a kick out of the "can't believe you put in for an area you don't know" crowd. I expect a great many of us have limitations of time and/or funds that requires scouting as we hunt. It isn't a bad way to learn an area, though I can see with a high end LE unit, one might want to do a lot of homework if your only going to get one or two shots at it in a life time...
The ego thing is just to let others know that sometimes a guy just has to do things his way. I understand the posts about, why would you put in for an area you don't know, these people never seem to expand past what they DO know and they can't relate to the people that do whatever it takes to fullfill ones obsessions.
I messed up on a rifle bull hunt in Nv. in 07 with a case of bull fever and relive that day constantly. If I'm not successful on this LE hunt it will be based on my efforts, my determination, my skills and the luck that falls my way.

I know there are guys out there that know this area and could probably pm me on some info. that may make my hunt a little easier. I've always tried to help anyone I can and will continue to do so in the future. It just seems to be the be the right thing to do. If you want to trade info on Nv. hunts. Id. hunts or Az. hunts. I'll help all I can.
Who needs any stinking help.
I think you have the right frame of mind to get it done, WOULDN'T be easy, But if it was it wouldn't be as much fun.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-12 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]Ditto that! I'll be 65 in a few weeks and I'm still backpacking deer, elk, and antelope out on DIY's every year and wouldn't think of doing it any other way. Go for it man and good luck in your quest!!!
I think that most on here don't have a problem with putting in for a unit that they have never been to. I think where the problem occurs is when they come on MM and ask for the world without doing anything for themselves. There is a bunch of research a guy can do on his own for any hunt out west. I think it is an attitude thing, you have the attitude to get it done and will get help along the way. It is the welfare attitude that turns me off.

It's not about ego, it's about not needing your hand held by a nursemaid. Good for you. DIY is the best way. Besides, have you listened to most guides hunting stories when their clients aren't around, most of them don't respect their clients. It's all about the animal the guide got, not the client.

I drew that same tag 12 years ago. You'll have the time of your life. While I was up on the S.W. Desert archery hunt there was a shootout about 2 miles from my camp where a Beaver county deputy got shot in the leg and his dog was shot and killed.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-12 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]Sounds to me like the only help you might need is getting that big ol' bull on ice after you get him! If you dont find help, you'll just have to stay closer to the truck. Good luck and enjoy your hunt, and do like you want to!
I've heard this DIY/Ego debate before.

A hunt is what you make of it regardless of who's there and who's not. Just go have a good time and check your ego at the door.

No hunt is truly DIY, especially if you're asking for tips on where to go. You're still banking on someone else's knowledge and help. There's nothing wrong with that but there's a fine line between true DIY and hunting where someone sends you. It's called DIY*
*with help!

I have always done as much research on an area/hunt and use all the info I can gain from others. Why go into an area blind and learn it all by yourself? (which is DIY, BTW)

The difference between someone SENDING you to a place and TAKING you there is the guide If you're getting info from others it's not like a true bush-whacking exploratory DIY trip but call it whatever your ego allows you to call it.

Have fun and enjoy success with your great tag!
How is it an ego problem that you'd rather do things yourself?Now if you start posting your success on every website you can think of,there could be a teensy bit of ego there.Even at that,we'd still like to see some pics!

Hangfire and mmwb pretty well nailed it.

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