Egg Noggers



What's your favorite holiday drink? What are you cutting your nogg with?

My bride mixes Pama ( a pomegranite liguor ) with 7-up. I'm not usually to big on these cheerleader drinks but this is tasty.............
Alright dryboot, are you puttin' dew in the eggnog? I've never thought of that one. I might have to try it. Is it good?
A shot of the good bourbon of your choice and a little nutmeg sprinkled on top.
i have never tried mt dew n' eggnogg. but i will and let you know! when i drink noggegg I put 2% milk too lighten it up. thats all.
>crown isnt bad but i have
>to go with pendleton on
>the rocks. :)

Now were talking!!

Aim Center Mass
Hey one_dry,

You and I have the same tastes (no pun intended). There's not a finer drink than Mt. Dew (especially back at camp after you've hiked your arse off!). I too add milk to my nog to thin it out a bit. Glad to see I'm not just weird (or if I am... I've got company :) ).


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."

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