Eel's Summer Turtle Hunting Workout

LAST EDITED ON May-10-11 AT 04:35PM (MST)[p]WOW - real appropriate!

Way to keep it classy DoubleShell. That is about Eel's speed though.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My wife wanted to get one of those. We couldn't afford it right now, so we did the next best thing.:) She's getting in shape, but boy am I exhausted!

LAST EDITED ON May-11-11 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]Roy, I'm typing this while on the plane to Nepal. I'm going to do Mt. Everest again this year. I'll do a solo hike from Base Camp to the Summit and back non stop. No bottled oxygen either. It's just a fun trip! It will also allow me to break in my new Danners.

When I get back, my serious work out regement will begin. My actual routine is secret.


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