Eel's honey hole map found.


Long Time Member
I found and bought Eel's famous honey hole map on Craigslist.
When I googled the name and address of Eel's honey hole I was shocked that the old guy hasn't died from a heart attack yet.

Fabulous Tip Top Gentlemen's Club
6269 Loma Ave
Eureka, California
Can't be. Eel's no gentleman.
LOL! A duck hunting friend of mine, who is a County Supervisor, lives within a half block of the Tip Top Club. I always take a bunch of dollar bills when I go to his house.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-11 AT 07:29PM (MST)[p]Keep an eye on Kilowatt when he goes with you. We wouldn't want
Methuselah to have a heart attack either.

PS Kilowatt said Sassy was his favorite.
>Are you from eureka ca eel?
Yes, it's about 300 miles north of SF. (not far enough though)


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

Most of my family on my mothers side live there my mom was born there. I sure do miss it up there. Even tho the last time I was there I couldn't get chicken nuggets at wendys just fish sticks.
Haha at least all have a fellow mm'r to hang out with while I give out them singles. Some of the dancers are not to shabby for northern ca gentlemans club.
That's where I got the name Eel.

it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

Those ladies are working their way to Oregon as they heard some rich fat cat named 440 gives $10 bills instead of $1 bills.

Just a little background. The Tip Top used to be a seafood restraunt before it was a strip club. For some reason they've never been able to get rid of the clam smell.

I saw Deadred707's truck there last night.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....


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