

Long Time Member
There is a lot of contention and bad blood on the other expo tags threads so I've kinda avoided them. I did want to know one burning question and I think I speak for everyone here at MM. Did you draw the any weapon bull turtle tag you drove down to put five bucks on?? I know you've put in for years trying to get that on a draw, the governors tag is out of reach, and it would be a life long dream of yours.
as he stood outside the expo panhandling he came up a few dollars short of being able to put down the whole 5 bucks, so It's still up in the air if he got the tag.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 09:35AM (MST)[p]Roy got the tag again this year for the 4th year in a row.

1911, this is just between me and you:

What connection does Roy have with SFW? He has none directly. A source close to SFW personally told me that his sister TripleK "is in bed with certain high ranking officials at SFW". I'm not sure what that means but I think she is involved in "public relations" or "promotions" or something like that.

Unlike the rest of you, I KNOW what the odds are of drawing and I KNOW how the money is spent!

This year there was one tag awarded and 2,547 entries, for a 1 in 2,547 odds. And Roy got drawn AGAIN! That's one lucky turtle hunter! Yea, right!

Total income from turtle applications was $12,735. ($5 application fee). The money was spent as follows:

1. $10,500 for Kona fishing vacation. Every year certain MM members get together and head for Kona. They rent a beautiful house on a hill and charter a big fancy fishing boat and fish for Marlin. I'm not sure exactly how it all works but I'm certain overton is the ring leader.

2.$2,230 for Crown Royal and other forms of entertainment while in Kona.

3. $5 for turtle habitat restoration. I just hope it was my $5 that was used.

I think I'm done supporting SFW.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
four years in a row? wow! sounds like a very legit system they have. his sister must be "handling" things well over there:)

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