Eelgrass 10K post truck


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-11 AT 00:22AM (MST)[p]Well it took awhile but Founder finally sent me my 5000 post ring. I had it done in 18k and Elk ivory, came pretty nice i think.

So now i see Eelgrass is getting close to his 10K post mark and am wondering what kind of truck he's going to be picking out. My understanding is Founder buys each member who gets 10K posts a new rig of their choice!

How about it Eel? What are you picking out?

Nice ring Sage!! I hope you're smarter than your boy Ron Ron and don't auction it off though...

Just a guess on Eel's new rig but why not this...

~Z~, Yeah, Ron Ron do some weird things! :)

I don't know that he can get a rig with all those after maket add-ons. Besides as big a personality as he's in these pages, Eel's not a overly tall person so he might have trouble loading his bucks in the back with that tall a tire. :)

Geez , I have apparently been kept in the dark and had no idea there was such cool prizes . Guess I better get busy posting . I want a new F350 . LOL
Yea that would be purty difficult to maneuver while in the woods. My perception of his personality obviously got the best of me with that first pic. This might be a little more accomodating for him on future buck hunts??


His wife needs a new car because he aint going to give up his Yota just yet.

"If it moves shoot it again"

Keep it simple Eel. There was a demanding cat once who wanted a decked out belcher...didn't work out so well.
5000 posts! That's a lot of "sage advice".

Is that one of your teeth in that ring sage? Did you mean to leave that little piece of green jello on it?

I personally don't want a ring with a tooth in it at 5000 but these milestone prizes would help explain why Eldorado is so bent on getting his post count up.
NVB, Somebody take your toys away this morning?

Feleno, Can't speak for Eelgrass but hey, i might like to have one of those! :)

>NVB, Somebody take your toys away
>this morning?

Just the opposite sage, I woke up to several new things to play with right here on MM. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-11 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]Joey, congrats on the ring! That's a beauty for sure.

Good news......and bad news. The good news is I got ahold of Founder and sent him my request for a 2011 Toyota Tundra Diesel


The bad news is Founder's reply.

"NEW FOR 2011: Begining Jan.1, 2011 I will no longer be giving new trucks based soley on the number of posts (10,000 in your case). I will now award prizes based not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of content. In your case, I will be deducting the 7862 posts having to do with turtles, as they contribute very little to my site. I will also deduct the two posts you made defending BearCat in the HAC, the one post violating the 50% rule, and all the posts responding to anything D13er or Feleno posts. You are free to check back with me in a few years. Founder"

Cool looking Rig Eel but that sucks!!!

I have sent Founder this Message;

Founder, i think it is a shame that you have changed the rules of rewarding members based on their number of posts especially when Eelgrass is just now coming to his 10,000th post.

He replied;

Sageadvice, The change of rules effects you as well. Because of your 2357 posts regarding the 270WSM, they will be deducted from your existing total. As the result, I want the ring back!


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