EEL & JB - Helpful Burning Man Info...

Why would they go? It is not like they are going to become a sexually assaulted victim. Or anything like that

Well take a look at the icon used for "Drug Related Substance Cases" in 2008 - that is probably why Eel will go. JB will probably go for other reasons, but I am sure he will be there!

Check out the icons they use for "Other" injuries - who knew that running while on fire and bird pecking were so dangerous there!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-10 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]Last year JB was a "Blisters and Cuts" casualty. The blisters weren't on his feet either.

I'll try to be more gentle this year.


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