What'ya Think?

Keslowski's Daddy is pissed!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Big difference between racing hard & delibrately wrecking somebody. Hope NASCAR suspends that ##### before he kills someone.

If it was Jr or HIS daddy, everyone would say
"it's just racin'".........I'm just sayin'.

Pretty bad in my book, there will either be fines, reprimands or blood!
I agree nickman,
If certain drivers would'of pulled it off it'd be fine!
I don't think Carl is out of it yet!!!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
1st thing Carl said after the race. "You take it away from me I take it away from you" Far as I can tell that is an admission.
Can't say as I blame Carl if that's what it takes to win. Still think he's a axxhole though.

Keselowski's car slid into Edwards it looks to me like.

Keselowski got pushed over the finish line. LOL

Last time I drove I-80 through Salt Lake City, I felt like Keselowski.:(

Looked to me like Keselowski's bumped Carl to take the lead and Carl didn't give ground when Brad tried to block him to keep the lead. Shouldn't have interviewed an emotional father right after the race. What did they think that he was going to say " Its ok for my boy to bump Carl but he's trying to kill my boy"
You got to admit them Ford boys are hungry!
But will this be Spankin # 2?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I don't think that Nascar would do a thing about this incident if there wasn't already the history of the two. When he bumped Carl to take the lead if Carl went sideways and got smacked in the side like he did would he have said the same things about himself in the post race interview?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-10 AT 09:35PM (MST)[p]In my feeble mind there is a world of difference between a little bumping and sticking your bumper under sombodys rear end and punching it.

Back flip boy knew exactly what he was doing. This is the 2nd time. Have to admit Carl makes for a good show.

Boy needs to be sitting in the Hollywood Hotel telling everyone how great he used to be.

(been to one f'n race now I'm a 'spurt) LOL

I think Carl crossed the line. He messed up a lot of cars and put lives at risk. I think it's time for NASCAR to tighten things up a bit - at least between him and Brad.

Consider if Carl continues this and next time (or 5 times from now) he ends up killing someone. The press will replay over and over all of the times that he intentionally wrecked someone and everyone will ask, "How is that NASCAR allow a loose cannon like this to continually put people at risk? Now he's killed someone and it's NASCARs fault!" It will be NASCARs darkest hour... unless they put a stop to it now.
What did they do last year at Taladega when Brad intentionally bumped Carl and sent him into the grandstands? Fueds always have a starting point.
The accident at Talladega was Edwards fault as well. Keselowski got a run under Mr. Ed, and Carl tried to block him a little too late. Keselowski held his line and Mr. Ed ended up wrecking himself.

At Atlanta Edwards was 12 laps down and intentionally wrecked a top 6 car going 195 mph with less than 10 laps to go; pretty manly don't you think?

And I agree with some of the others; a little beatin and bangin is very different from turning the steering wheel hard to the left and intentionally wrecking someone. If I were Roger Penske I would enter an extra car this weekend at the Brickyard just to intentionally ruin Mr. Ed's day or any other Roush car for that matter. Maybe he needs to send a message to the Cat in the Hat.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-10 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]The p***ification of Nascar continues I see. If this were the 1970's, 1980's, or 1990's, not a damn thing would be said. What about Waltrip almost killing Davey Allison at Pocono? What about Earnhardt "just racin'" while blatantly wrecking folks to win? Carl is just doing what every one of us would do in his shoes.
Even racing is getting touchy!
When racing becomes perfect & ain't even a chance of "the big one" I think I'll stop watchin races!
I say if somebody Nudges somebody,paybacks should be returned!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I guess Nascar didn't see it like I did. They took away 60 points and fined Carl 25k and put hiim and Brad on probation until the end of the year.The money doesn't mean a thing but those points sure will hurt Carl's chance to take the lead in points.
Don't be smart cjboz!}>}>}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Well this weekend ought to be fun! Everybody heading to brickyard for a little 200mph romp. Backfilp Boy will be 2 laps down in the 1st 50 & looking to be mentioned on TV once again! Poor pity anybody that gets close to that nut case.

Anyways... hope my man 48 can get 'er done. Wouldn't feel bad if Jr. or the illegal alian Pablo got to do a burn out. Of course Smoke could use a few points at this time as well.

Who is your boy B-PLOP? I'm betting Harvik... Good choice!

Well Copper Boy!
My boy ain't run in years!
Kinda liked Rusty Wallace & Darrell Waltrip back in the day!
I don't really have a Driver picked,I like em all,maybe I'll make Carl my driver!}>}>}>
Just kiddin!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And remember RUS!
When you're in a FORD,you gotta do what ya gotta do,LMAO!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I don't like either Carl or Brad....but Edwards is a jerk!

Brian France and his clowns that run NASCAR have no balls....

Edwards has turned that kid on his roof after trying for 2 laps to spin him out and caused one hell of a wreck this last weekend that took out another 9 cars to boot.

NASCAR is going to be in deep ##### one day if Carl ends up crippling or killing someone all in the name of TV ratings?

Rubbing is racing....crashing people isn't racing!

Maybe since Carl hasen't won now in a few years in the big league he found a new way to get some TV time...
The Dooshbag clearly wrecked him. Carl is not what he used to be. Rubbin is racing not wrecking is racing. Nobody wants to see somebody win because he wrecks the guy in front of him. Every race could end like this.

"You'll never get a big one if you shoot a little one"

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