eco-friendly lumber


Long Time Member
There is now a market for "green" lumber! I kid you not. The sawmill my buddy works at has been "certified" by the State (Kali, of course). To get certified you have to show that the lumber you produce has been cut from trees that were harvested under certain eco-friendly conditions. All State and local laws were followed, of course. But beyond that, no trees from a clear cut. No trees from Spotted Owl habitat. No virgin (old growth) trees. I also assume the timber faller says a little prayer before taking the trees life, but not sure.:)

The lumber then can be marked and sold at a premium. I think Home Depot sells it, if that floats your boat, and you don't mind paying a little more.

I guess it's like Dolfin free tuna?

Thats funny, I am willing to pay more for lumber that is old growth and possibly killed a spotted owl in cutting it.
Kind of reminds me of the other day at the grocery when I saw a carton of eggs that was labeled "cage free" for an additional dollar. I guess the extra dollar covers the overhead for the illegal alien that has to go on an Easter egg hunt to find the eggs since the chickens aren't in a cage.

While I think this craze is stupid, there is money to be made in this green and cruelty free stuff since the people that are into it have the money to throw away on it.
The local saw mill here, Collins Pine Co., has gotten some awards and has gained National distinction as a Eco friendly business. The family owned Mill owns all it's own timber lands where they do some kind of selective harvest practices, some trees are taken and some trees are left. Because of their forestry practices, they do get a premium for some of their lumber products and furniture or other goods produced from this lumber also demands higher prices I'm told that their forest lands are self sustaining and if harvested this way in the future,they can produce enough harvestable trees to continue on without ever hurting the amount that can be harvested in the future.

I too like clear cuts. I like hunting them and i like the habitat that they produce. There are a few in this area but mostly old ones and for what it's worth, i think there's too damn many trees!

I've got a friend who helped start a company here in Texas that manufactures wood-free environmentally friendly railroad ties out of recycled plastic bags. It is quite the process but the ties supposedly will last twice as long, be twice as strong and don't use creosote which leaches into the soil along the tracks. However they are of course quite pricey and it takes twice as long to make 100 ties from plastic than it does from wood, but they have a couple of contracts and are making $$$$$
- major buckage.

Also, most new homes being built give you the option of using environmentally friendly products throughout the whole house. Good for that I say, somewhere it is creating a job for somebody.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It's kind of like buying 'organic' produce. If it makes you feel better and you can afford it then buy it. If you understand science and chemistry you won't spend a dime on 'organic'.

The only problem I see with it is this, at some point in the future its going to be mandatory, and this will raise lumber prices through the roof. As if houses don;t cost enough to build already :( Here's to hoping I'm wrong!
Yeah, and it's a little like global warming. Buying it means someone endorses it. When someone endorses it, it will be promoted as the right ting to do. Once promoted as being the right thing to do, it becomes science without science. Then it becomes the law of the land. All based on pure emotion.
..........."that there's why we uns live in trailers; thay are hardly made from any stuff that herts the earph"....
>I guess it's like Dolfin free

Which probably proves the point I was trying to make above. I doubt seriously if there is anything wrong with a little dolphin in your tuna (I like it with a little mayo and mustard) but since someone said it was bad it became a marketing tool and then maybe even regulations.
The only thing that is green is the money that they are putting in their pockets.....
I'm a licensed Contractor, this is news to me, i thought Green was metal studs ect...?

like not killing a tree......go figure
Eel I seen a eco-friendly tree once. It is along the freeway just east of Wendover Nv. On I-80 Ya seen it??

Rutnbuck, I know that tree! Every time I go by there I think about sneaking out there at night and falling that sucker.

You better not fall that tree. You will be in double dutch. It is the only tree for shade when you fish the Great Salt Lake.


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