Ebay Screw Ups


Long Time Member
I've been looking into buying a bow for my 10 year old daughter and 9 year old daughter. I've been on ebay and making bids but never won the bow I was bidding on. This happened several times. Finally, I said, F-it...I'm bidding a decent amount on several of them so I can at least win one of them. I won 3 of them!! I won a cheapy PSE Youth Brave ($28), a Hoyt Banshee ($130) and a Mathews Genesis Youth ($132). What the hell am I gonna do with 3 bows? I figured on just buying one of them and my bro in law says that my ebay credibility will be shot so buy all three and just put them right back on ebay and try to get my $$ back out of it. What a pain in the arse!! This ever happen to anybody else? I feel like a jack ass....especially if my wife finds out!!

Good lesson learned????

Anyways, put them for sale on Archerytalk.com they have a section just for youth bows, and it is free.....
I few years back before I actually knew anything about Archery, I bid on this nice Hoyt bow (don't remember which one, but a good model according to everything red). I bid a pretty decent amount of money, but then realized that just because I write left handed; doesn't mean I shoot a left handed bow. I was sweating bullets for about 5 days because I was the Top Bidder thanks to the auto bidding process. Finally, the last minute comes and I am thinking "What have I done;" and I got out bid. Talk about lucky! So I can totally feel where you're coming from (even though I didn't actually get it).

Good Luck on gettin 'em sold and Way to Go on getting your daughters involved in such a great sport! The Archery world could use more youths and ladies.
Thanks guys....I will look into Archerytalk.com. I am planning on only selling the Genesis seeing how it is not equipped with anything yet. I would still need to put sights and a rest on it...as well as a quiver...etc. My advice.....BID ON ONE ITEM AND BUY THAT ITEM!!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-08 AT 10:51AM (MST)[p]I would have your daughters try out all three. that way they can choose for themself which one they like the best. Heck as cheap as they are you might just want to keep two on for each of them.
I think I will only try to sell the un-equipped Mathews. I really don't want to spend a bunch of money on something I don't really need at this point anyway. Anybody need a youth bow?


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