ebay rams

Great looking Dall And the Desert looks to have big bases but No Thanks! For me the thrill is in the hunt not what's hanging on the wall. They sure are nice to look at.
I agree, the real trophy is the hunt. Id much rather spend 60K shooting my own sheep.
The GS for sale has a problem common to many Slams. The weakest head in the bunch, by far, is the Rocky Mtn. Bighorn.

I know that we often have to take what we can get. And that the taking of a big Bighorn is often more a matter of luck, whether luck in the draw or in the hunt, or a matter of money, than of anything one could rightfully brag about.

But, IMO, it just seems that for a Slam to be truly impressive, the BIGgest ram in the bunch should be the BIGhorn.

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