Ebay Hunts Anybody?


Long Time Member
Has anybody bought a hunt off of ebay? I notice some of the whitetail hunts are pretty reasonable ($1,500). Not sure if I'd ever go that route but just wondered if anyone else has. If you have, let us know how it went.

T&A Inspector
No hunts wiz, but I did just get a great deal on some hand tools, paint brushes, and pvc fittings.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Sounds like the new "16 inch bases"! You may want to head up north to get your tools. I heard Eel already sold the fittings to an aquarium shop and the paint brushes to a face painter from the Bay area...

T&A Inspector

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