Easy Street Here I Come......


Got this in the e-mail today...... At least it wasn't an Uncle of mine passing away this time..... Do you think anyone falls for these??.... Terry

"Reference Number: LSUK-2031-8161-085
Ticket number: 5647560054524421
Cash on file: ?850,000.00.00

Dear Email owner,

Your email address on ticket number 5647560054529900 has won a total
cash prize of ?850,000.00 Great British Pounds and consolation prizes.
For claims and due remittance of funds. Please contact the claims
officer for more information.
Claims Officer: Richard Matlock
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Phone: +44 702 407 7721
+44 702 401 2621

**Note: All replies ,queries or questions concerning your claims
should be sent to [email protected]

Vervecken Eva
Great luck Terry. You should go out and buy that new Bassboat and Truck ASAP.

Yes, People do fall for that stuff. There was a Dateline interview a couple weeks ago on this subject. One Lady in particular was taken for in the area of $200,000. A sucker born every minute comes to mind.
My grandmas friend stopped by while we were visiting screaming from joy. She was on her way to send $500 to one of these scams. We showed her that it was a scam so it didn't happen but it almost did.

Old people fall for that crap all the time. My friends grandfather sent someone a cashiers check for $3000 and got nothing. Everyone told him it was a scam and he got ripped off. They took control off his bank account so he wouldn't do it again. 2 weeks later he went to the bank and tried to send them another $3000. The bank teller wouldn't give him the money and phoned his family.
I just know that this sort of thing is cutting into my hunting fund so I hope they hurry and send my check. I have several thousand out right now waiting for the cash to roll back in! When it does come there's an oil recycling company I'm gonna invest in that should reap some handsome profits too. If anyone is interested in investing just send me $5000.00 and I will hook you up.

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