Easy over the counter Antelope



I live in California and I'm looking for a pretty easy Antelope hunt for my Uncle and I to go on. We basically have 20 or so hours of driving and will have 3 days to spend up there for the hunt. I am a big hiker but he won't be able to do much. Any suggestions for us? We don't need anything big.


Some units in eastern Wyoming are easy to get as leftovers.You may want to look at a trespass fee type hunt there though. Some of the units have mostly private land.
I mostly hunt doe antelope now days as I have taken several good bucks in the past and it is easy to gain access to private land when hunting does only.
Set up an account for each of you on the G&F website and buy a PP each to be used in the draw for 2014. That 1 PP will give you a number of different units to choose from, so about next January if you haven't figured out where you want to try for you can get back on the board and ask for help.
Thanks for the tips! I have a couple preference points for deer and antelope in Wyoming. I was looking for an over the counter spot that would produce one or two for a quick trip this year. Are there any spots like this?
I will look into the trespass fees for private land. I have no problem doing that.


Sorry about that! I didn't realize you were talking about leftover licenses for a hunt this year. In that case you should get a list of ranchers in unit 23 from the G&F Office in Gillette. That area has lots of private land for a fee and plenty of animals to the point where you can buy two buck tags and four doe tags per person. You may have to wait until after the first few days of the season to get on a place though since most people go for the opener and a good share of the places are probably booked. Call and just go accordingly and good luck.
Thanks for the info TopGun, I appreciate it. I will call on Monday and get that list. Do you have any other recommendations for units to hunt? Possibly something closer.


The only units closer for you that still have buck tags left are units 25 and 26 that are on the south side of 23 and go down to the Casper/Glenrock/Douglas areas. From those towns it's about an hour, give or take, to get up into unit 23.
Thanks! An extra hour after over 20 is nothing. I will stick with your recommendation of 23. Thanks again! I will let you know if I get a tag.

Thanks to everyone for all of the help setting up my hunt to Wyoming. So I'm set to hunt unit 16 and staying in Buffalo. I haven't been to Wyoming since I was a kid. Do you guys have any advice for how the country is? We are bringing one truck with a few ice chests and staying at the ZBar motel.
How important is it to be there for the opener? I've only hunted Antelope once which was last year and I was successful. Hooked now. I have mainly only hunted deer and ducks. They seemed to be out during the day but I couldn't learn too much about them as I tagged out at 2:00 on day one.

Thanks again,

Hunting on opening day depends on the area you are hunting and wether you are hunting public or private, IMO. I have never hunted opening day for antelope and have always done ok. I am not a trophy hunter and also never hunted in A-16. If you are hunting private land, check with the landowner and see how much pressure there will be the first week. If you are looking to hunt public land, check with the local biologist or game warden to see how much pressure there will be opening day. A lot of public areas that are easily accessable get pounded the first few days but the pressure will ease off after a week or two. The downside to waiting is that the antelope get shot at so will be more spooky. I personally have always waited till the 2nd or 3rd week of Oct to hunt antelope. You can still expect some rut action in early october. I personally don't like to fight the crowds when hunting. Another tip is to hunt during the week and avoid the weekends if possible. You should see less pressure mid-week as lots of hunters plan their trips around the weekends. Good luck on your hunt. Antelope hunting can be a lot of fun if you do it right - get out of your vehicle and walk away from the roads and trails.
"I personally have always waited till the 2nd or 3rd week of Oct to hunt antelope."

I have found this to work better as well. 99% of hunters are well done and the animals have settled back into routines. It applies to other species as well...
My experience is the rut is better a wee bit earlier, like the end of Sept to the first week in October.
Rutting antelope are very fun to hunt. We get on a high point to check out lots of country and then let the show begin. A good spotting scope also saves a ton of leg work!
Best of luck!
Thanks for the tips.
I am planning on going that week of the opener I just wasn't sure if I was going to take the whole week off of work. Opening day is on Tuesday. I was kicking around the idea of getting up there on Thursday or Friday. I think, judging from the responses, that going early and hunting on Tuesday morning will be optimum. So we are leaving early Monday morning for the 18 hour haul.
Definitely bringing a spotting scope, tripod and window mount, thanks for the advice on that.
I will also definitely be looking for places to hike in.

Thanks again for all the advice.


Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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