Easy money for the state



Just wanted your thoughts. How would you feel about just letting the state keep your money you send them, so they can draw interest on it. That way you wouldn't have to come up with it every year. Just apply, and if you draw the money is already there. If you need it back you could contact the state and get it. Seems like a good way for the state to make some money, both by making interest on the money, and saving money by not having to print out all those refund checks. This would be voluntary of course, but I think many would like this option. Seems to me it could be easy to set up.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 01:18PM (MST)[p]Personally, I wouldn't do it. I'm not a big fan of the WY G&F. They have integrity issues.
Interesting idea and I think it is a good one. It would definitely have to be voluntary as many are counting on those refunds.
Thanks, I have a few friends who's wives get upset every year because they have to come up with money to apply. This might fix that problem. One year, and after that it's free! At least it would seem like it's free.
Bucklover - I put some thought into your idea, and have two questions. Where would the money gained from interest be used, and who gets to decide?
We'll just send yer money to me. I'll apply for you and if you don't draw, I'll keep it in my savings account earning interest. If you ever want it back, email me. Otherwise, I'll apply for you next year. If everyone wants to send me their money and let me keep it year after year, I promise not to spend anything but the interest...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 05:28PM (MST)[p]Good questions. I just know money is what makes for programs that improve habitat, it could go towards predater control...Probably a lot of decisions would need to be made. With declining revenue available for the state to protect and improve our big game, I just thought it was a creative way to help the situation out. Maybe a win/win for both sides. We hunters usually carry the load one way or the other, and I thought this would be a way to help out without it hurting every year. Not everyone would want to do it, but maybe enough would do it to fund something worthwhile.
+1 Triple-BB.

Now to awnser the original question. The fish and game wouldn't go for this without alot of if and or buts.

First they would require additional money every year to cover the bonus point fee ($30, $40, $50, $75 or $100, plus the application fee every year).

Plus they already keep the money and collect the interest on several of the species for four plus months. Apply in march and keep it until late july.
I remember that in one of the western states, maybe Wy, they cannot legally collect interest on application money, anyone else hear that?
I appreciate everyone's comments. That's why I asked. Many brains are better than one. Most brains are probably better than mine. We're coming up with a lot of good ideas on game management. Go to the meetings and suggest things. It does make a difference. One of my hunting buddies and I suggested they extend a muzzleloader hunt right on through the regular rifle hunt some years ago, and they made the change that lasted for a few years anyway.
>I remember that in one of
>the western states, maybe Wy,
>they cannot legally collect interest
>on application money, anyone
>else hear that?

That be colorado...
they already hold it and make money off us. there rates are getting stupid and there making to much from us now.

they cant start making money by cutting there gas bill down. all they do is drive around all day. there attempt to go into the hills is bad. every time im on the road i see a game and fish truck driving around, doing errands in town, going to a buddies house.
Isn't this situation similar to what the IRS does with our withheld tax money... I'd sure be hesitant to let a government agency "hold" on to my hard-earned money! All the WYO Fish and Game needs to do is raise the price of non-resident license tags and the application fees! Budget problem solved???
Amen piper! I don't mind paying a chunk of money to hunt in other states, but it's ridiculous to see some of the low fees that residents are paying and know that I'm getting wacked at a rate 10 to 15 times higher than they're paying.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-11 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]resident fees go up every year and it sucks. im just glad i got some lifetime tags so i dont have to pay these high prices now.
I would pay $200.00 for a resident tag if there was some quality, and they cut NR tags to a total of 10% for all species. I know you NR won't go for that. You guys have it good in WY, so stop the complaining about resident prices.

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