Eastman's Latest Facebook Post


Very Active Member
For those of you who aint Facebook'ers, You've got to see this!!!

Guy Eastmans latest post.

"Here is a photo and a caption sent over to me earlier today from a friend over in Jackson Hole, WY. This photo was taken last weekend just North of town while out snowmobiling. The elk and moose in Western Wyoming don't stand a chance. Twenty wolves in one pack, are you kidding me???? Thanks USFWS. -Guy Eastman"

Let fly the lead...!

WE are the dominant predator, not wolves. No matter how beautiful they are in the wild (for the 20 seconds you see them), they would be even more appreciated and beautiful as a full body mount in my basement for the rest of my life.

How would a herd of even 200 elk survive a winter with that pack trailing them...? Impossible. Those wolves only eat freshly killed animals, and they would easily need 4 elk per day (figuring conservatively) for a pack that large. That's only 50 days to wipe out a huge heard of elk... Not to mention all the other packs out there...

Endangered Species..? I dont think so
I agree with carterj16, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. I will be labeled a poacher by some for saying that but while you sit on your pedestal waiting for an out of touch government to save the day others will be silently practicing sound game management.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
>How would a herd of even
>200 elk survive a winter
>with that pack trailing them...?
>Impossible. Those wolves only eat
>freshly killed animals, and they
>would easily need 4 elk
>per day (figuring conservatively) for
>a pack that large. That's
>only 50 days to wipe
>out a huge heard of
>elk... Not to mention all
>the other packs out there...
>Endangered Species..? I dont think so

Actually no, they'd kill roughly 2 elk every three days. Something needs to be done, and we need to fight to keep them off the list, but pulling made up numbers out of your a$$ won't help any.
Man. Its time we stand together as sportsmen and defend our herds. This is getting ridiculous.

I have family with a ranch in the area. They've found wolf crap with calf hair in it a number of times. Elk are disappearing at an alarming rate. How long will we let this go on? Will it be too late?

I for one will take every chance I get to "defend myself" against any wolf I see. I hope we would stand together as sportsmen and defend anyone who may be caught killing a wolf. Our hunting lifestyle is disappearing quicker than we realize.
S S S, sad, but that's what we are going to have to turn to.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Forget the shovel part.Too much chance of leaving evidence at the scene;also more time spent there-could be seen.Shoot and shutup!!
Winters can be hard enough for the elk to deal with. A pack of 20 wolves is crazy. I see pictures like this and it feels like I just got punched in the gut.
Let's not talk about doing the right thing because that's fuel for the anti's. Let's just do the right thing and not talk about it.

Guy said there were 12 their I count 17 but the picture isn't real clear anyone else count 17 just makin sure Im not seeing things. Later.

Windage and elevation pilgrim windage and elevation
are we all looking at the same story and picture?....Guy says 20 and I see 20 or maybe even 21..????????

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

10-20 wolves in one pack is actually pretty common where I live. The difference is we have packs that size in every single drainage. If you boys want more, we could work out another deal. ;)
go ahead boys, drive on up there and bring your guns, im sure they won't be hard to find, you can get a map of all the feed grounds.
....And the cancer spreads......


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
"Sometimes doing the wrong thing meaning doing the right thing." I guess it depends on your perspective. I am usually not for breaking the law but then again I don't consider it the "Wrong Thing" either. I don't don't need to leave California to do the Right Thing. We have our own predator issues here. It's been going on for over 30 years. That's one of the reasons why the deer population is well below sustainable numbers in a lot of places.

There are 22 wolves in the picture. A guy from Pocatello took it and it was in the Idaho State Journal last Friday (2/12). There are a couple wolves clear to the left that are hard to see in the post.

That is alot of dead elk walkin right there...
i count 21...sick! may many die of lead poisoning!
i think a few wolves wouldnt be a bad thing but when not kept in check look what happens. too many wolves generates less money for fish and game do to less elk permits... too many elk would result in more money due to more permits. why arent the fish and game turning there head to lead poisoning injections? how many wolf protectors ever leave the city to see whats going on in the woods! like stated before shoot and shut-up. with as many hunters in those areas i cant believe they let this get this outta hand! whats the deal?
?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
I counted 22, but i counted that bigger mass in the right corner as two.
That is just sickening.
I wonder if the wolf groups have seen those picures where a pack of wolves ripped open pregnant cow elk and only ate the fetus's.
Wolves kill for recreation as well as survival. We need to stop this cancer before it's out of control in all the other states nearby.

I have been telling you guys that you need to practice civil disobedience if you feel the wolf protection laws are unjust.
+1 for civil disobedience.

Martin Luther King preached civil disobedience when he was alive and he changed a whole society. I am also a huge supporter of this philosophy in order to right a wrong. I believe you people know what the problem is and I also believe you know what the solution is.

Some things are worth fighting for.

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