Eastern Oregon Deer Nunbers



My wife and I have Murders Creek Buck tags and imwondering how the herds are looking this year. I grew up in the area but have recently moved to Nevada for work and havent been back to do much scouting. I know the unit well my family has a ranch on the boundery Of murders creek and silvies units and ew run cattle in both i know were i want to hunt but over the last ten years the deer hears have been pittiful at best so im just wondering how the numbers are looking for this year. Any info would be much appriciated.
The deer look terrible this year. The does are really sucked in and the fawns seem to have been born late. I think it's from low buck to doe ratios and does not getting bred during their first cycle. This is what I've seen in Malheur River and Silvies units - don't know about murderers creek.
What the heck you guys smoking??? I guess you dont want to tell the truth??? I was just there and seen lots of takers (over a 15" spread) Most the deer have lost their summer coats and looking good. Maybe it was the area I was in...I took a 4X4 Saturday, whitetail of all things!

>What the heck you guys smoking???
>I guess you dont want
>to tell the truth??? I
>was just there and seen
>lots of takers (over a
>15" spread) Most the deer
>have lost their summer coats
>and looking good. Maybe it
>was the area I was
>in...I took a 4X4 Saturday,
>whitetail of all things!

were you on private ground?...
On private when I shot the buck...that was in Joseph. Dayville area where we seen all the deer on public
taker easy Manny

Thanks for the info guys its helpful though its not great news it sounds like alot if the same that we have been up against for quite a few years. Sounds like we have our work cut out for us. Thanks again.
I spoke to the biologist out of the Vale office, he says deer numbers are not as good as 07-08 but elk numbers are up. Supposedly the winter of 07 took quite a few bucks.

Stop Global Whining
I have been over scouting for elk twice this summer I saw over 60 head of elk and about 5 deer maybe 6 how does that sound? I was with a guy who has hunted for that years he was shaking his head wondering what the heck has happened. Saw some deer on the ranches but that is expected and not as many as in years past.

If there is any proof of a man in a hunt it is not whether he killed a deer or elk but how he hunted it.
Hey Izee - if you are at all associated with the Izee Ranch or town you will know the area just above there well and know how good it was in the past. I've hunted that unit off and on for maybe the past 25 years, in fact just got back from bow elk hunting there last night. We hunted 5 days, covered 8-10 miles a day on foot not quad so got away from roads and hit the nasty stuff. We saw 4 deer total, one was a small 3x3 and thats it. I killed my best buck there - up on Gilbert Ridge which you should know where that is, anyway, its just sad to see how few deer there are anymore in that area. Unless something changes, I'm not sure how they will ever recover but I hope they do - its one of my favorite places to hunt. Good luck to you - I hope you do better than we did.
Just got back from 8 days looking for elk in the NF and Wilderness in eastern oregon and we saw only two elk total, but lots of deer.
The numbers of people and ATVs was reported by the locals as being way up opening weekend. All the elk were pushed down onto the private ranches, where they are hanging out in the cool trees until dark, then they were out feeding in the alfalfa all night.
It was also 77-84 degrees during the days, so the elk weren't bugling. In fact the only calling we heard was from other hunters...

Stop Global Whining
I know people say they see lots of deer over here on the east side. I have to ask, compared to what? The west side, well mabye but I tell you the deer numbers out here are horrible compared to not very long ago. Anyone who is from over east will agree. some areas have some deer but most are around 20% of the population of just 10 years ago and even less if you look before the winter of 92,93. Some of the desert areas absolutly void of deer today!!! Elk seem to be holding up pretty good but few old bulls.

My 2 cents, Koyote
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