Eastern Montana Mule Deer Help



Hello all. I am looking for some help on good spots to hunt Mule deer in the Glasgow, Havre and possibly Musselshell or Powder River area. I grew up in Anaconda area and cosenquently spent all my hunting time in the Big Hole and Deer Lodge Valley area, so I am unfamiliar with the eastern part of the state. After graduating from UofM in 1984 I joined the Army and have since been all over the World and have come to the conclusion that nothing compares to my beloved Montana. I recently retired and could not convince my wife to move back, so I am sleepless in Seattle thinking about Montana. I will be there 10-18 Nov, any help or suggestions for the eastern part of the state would be greatly appreciated. GO GRIZ!!!!
If you don't already have some areas picked out, the block management brochures are a good place to start. You can obtain them by calling the respective regional offices. There is a lot of BLM country around out there, but much of it is tied up (surrounded) by private. A good block management property is a good place to start.

If you have any extra time it wouldn't hurt to ask for permission on some private ranch land. Just don't knock doors at unreasonable hours. I have found that a little leg work and asking permission at reasonable hours goes a long way when getting permission.

The areas you mentioned have plenty of deer, and a good supply of mature bucks. The bucks also have great body sizes for their age classes. The better bucks will usually be on private property, hence the need for permission.

Good luck and post some success photos, Smokepoler63

Here are a few photos of successful hunts we've had





Thanks Smokepoler 63. WOW That is what you call Success with a capital S! I was going to hunt on public land in the Glasgow area. It looks like there is a lot of BLM land west and northwest of Glasgow. Is that the area your pics are from? I would be very happy to shoot anything like any of the deer in your pictures. NICE DEER!

I have the Block Management Brochure and will check those out. I didnt think there were any places that you could get permission on private property anymore, but I will try that also. If you have any suggestions on that I would also be happy to hear them. I am also willing to pay a reasonable trespass fee. if there is anyone around that does that. Thanks again! Nothin like Montana.
No, These bucks are from further south, but still in Montana. There is a wonderful resource available through the Montana Natural Resource Information System that shows land ownership. Here is the link.


Go to this site, click on private land ownership map, click on the area of interest, and it brings up a map that shows blm, state land, and private land boundries, and a list in the upper right corner that includes the parcel number, land owner, and number of acres.

I have used this map system extensively to identify land owners and aquire permission to hunt on some great private ranches. Montana is a great state to hunt and the block management system makes it that much easier starting out. Use block management to get started, but also knock on some doors throughout the year, offer to help calving, lambing, fixing fense, whatever, and you would be surprised how quickly you can line up some great property. Good luck, and post some photos of your success. Smokepoler63

I hunted Broadus a few years ago and had a blast. The Block Management Program and those that we obtained permission from were some good folks and it was very accessible. Just curious how your season went as my friend and I are planning on going back next year.

I'm currently in Iraq and stationed at Fort Lewis. Have you had any success in WA? I grew up there but never did like the hunting there.

Take care,

I have hunted the broadus area for a few year and have had some luck there on blm and block management and national forrest. I have not had any luck with the door nockin. Most people where very nice but drew one that was not happy to see me. So i tend to stay away from the door nockin and look for areas that are over looked by others. I have found that if you are willy to do some walking you can find some good deer. The best deer that I have seen killed from there was a 26 in 4x4 my buddy shot. We have seen some better!!!
My friends and I have hunted the powder river area on and off for 15 years now (when you can draw a tag). This area is run over with Outfitters who think they not only control the private land but the State and BLM ground. This area has changed so much in the last 3-5 years we don't even apply their every year any more. Not as much fun!! Being able to pay for a tresspass fee dont hardly even exist any more. If you hunt this area do your home work with map's that show property ownership. Be prepared for Outfitters to B.S. you on them leaseing B.L.M. and State ground!! Contact the Fish and Game Dept. for any questions or concerns. Not that they help the public/working class guy compared to the Outfitters in the area. With only 2300 N/R general season deer tags, Montana is a tough draw. My friend in Ky has 5 preference points, and still can't draw a tag any more. After drawing year after year in the late 80's to late 90's. He quit applying in 2008. Montana has not increased their N/R general deer tag numbers (2300) for a long time. Have a back up plan!!! Best of luck!!

Good post but to think we somehow owe the NR more tags is funny, we can hardle accomodate those we have now and our State is giving another 1,000 out for the "come home to hunt program".

You could go apply for an elk/deer combo and increase your odds or a landowner sponsored license, if you knew a land owner

LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-10 AT 06:57AM (MST)[p]Nemont, I dont feel the Montana DWR owes the N/R anything. I just stated the fact that they haven't uped their tag numbers in a long time. Espically since Bradus Montana is on the Outdoor channel every week. This has made drawing a tag much more difficult up their in recent years. I have had more fun in Bradus Montana than anywhere else I have ever hunted, until recent years. To much money being made by Outfitters up their. I worked with a landowner for years up their on landowner sponsored tags, we Phesant hunted, Antelope hunted, and Mule Deer hunted. It was awesome!!! Than for no reason he stoped letting us Phesant hunt,even though the DWR was stocking Pheasant on his Ranch for him and started restricting where we could hunt on his Ranch? Dont know why? Then he got cought screwing around on his wife and lost his Ranch in a Divorce!! Two of the last three years my good friend that lives in West Point, Utah nearly got into a fist fight with Outfitters, for just hunting on B.L.M. land close to their lease. He was within about 50-100 yards of the fence line and they were going nuts about that. It really got crappy when he dumped a big whitetail after it jumped a fence onto B.L.M. land. They have no reason to act like they own all the wildlife.

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Montana Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Bearpaw Outfitters

Mule deer, whitetail, antelope, buffalo, and prairie dogs on private ranch leases totaling about 100,000 acres.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail and antelope and manage our ranches for top quality.

Vargo Hunting

Top quality bear, antelope and free range bison hunts on the Crow Indian Res. Turkey and cougar as well.

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