Eastern Montana Bucks


Here are some antelope bucks from the past few years from Eastern Montana public land, general tag.

16" buck my dad shot a couple years ago. His tallest buck to date. Had no mass or prongs though.

My first buck. 11.5" tall on the first morning of season my first hunting season. I was so antsy that I was willing to use my tag on a doe. I missed her twice and then miraculousy this buck ran out of a draw and right up to the doe and I shot him. Was pretty cool. As we were field dressing it a bigger buck ran over the hill and stopped 150 yards away from us. My dad leaned over my buck, his hands bloody, and shot the second buck. Was a good morning.

My prettiest buck to date. He is 13.5" and a perfect heart shape with 1" ivory tips. I made the most incredible shot on this buck I have ever made ever. We had been trying to get on this herd all day and just couldn't ever seem to get on them. We were up on this plateau and the herd was running around the base of it, so we were trying to run across to where we could see where they were going. All of a sudden 50 yards away from us the entire herd pops up over the edge of a plateau and all run as fast as only antelope can right in front of us. The buck was the very last one and when he saw us he took off. I put my gun up and shot and missed. My brother yells to me, "Aim six feet in front of him!" So I did and touched off the shot and WHAM! he hit the ground, took a nosedive, flipped over, and up into the air he flew at one point he was 10 feet in the air. Everyone was just like staring open jawwed in complete awe. Was pretty intense.

Another 13.5" buck I killed in high school.

My buddy Cory shot this buck last season. 14.5" buck scored 77bc unofficial or couse.

My buck from last season. 13.5" buck that I made a 350 yard shot on.

My little sister Maria shot this buck a few years ago. He is a nice buck. My cousin was taking a taxidermy course and mounted it for her. Turned out pretty nice.

Let me know what you think,


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