
1ST time muzzle hunt for me, so I didnt know what I would run into during 3rd wk oct. all the fresh elk sign was way up high, 5000 ft. or more. A rancher dude I talked to said there were about 70 camps in our area during bow season, all the elk ran for the hills! COLD FRYING PAN AGAIN, I loved kicking around in the strawberrys for the week.
thanks for the input, i've thought about that tag for my wife. she hunts with her muzzy a bunch, and seems that you might be able to catch some bulls still with the cows on that hunt?

theres always next year;)
LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-09 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]Well...when the elk move up, the hunter hunts up! We have been scounting 8-9K feet (starting out at 4K) and that is where MOST the elk are. We do have a large herd on our families ranch in the unit we will be hunting but its kind of a "last day" type thing. If we dont kill something up high we will head for the ranch.

Sorry you didnt get into them but I keep hearing the same thing from lots of hunters...no elk! when your out there and you look up and say "there is no way in hell I'm going up there" get your balls on and head up, and up and uuuup.

As Killerbee said...maybe next year.

Think I will try this muzzlestuffer thing again, but going for sw. cascades hunt 1'st choice, E. Grant 2nd. it's closer to home. it is a good time to be out, not many hunters out spook'in the elk.
This was the first time I tried for elk with a muzzleloader, always wanted to try it, so I put in for the tag and got it with no points! Just me and my wife went, she doesn't hunt so it was me alone hunting. set up camp on fri. and did some evening scouting, and bumped into a rancher that was rounding up some stray cows, got to talking and showed me some spots on my maps that showed some elk sign. I went and checked it out, and wow! he was spot on. three long ridges and two mtn. tops all torn up! Rancher guy also said a lot of bowhunters and deer hunters just finished up and pushed the elk around hard. I stayed on those spots ,up and down and around those ridges for four days, fresh tracks, fresh elk nuggets, etc. but never ran into a herd. Day 5 @ 6 went up higher,as there was no snow and temp. around 45% at mid day, still no luck. still had a lot of fun, anytime in the elk woods I am a happy guy! Best part was NO people, just the way I like it.
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