east canyon moose scouting report


Active Member
Can't wait until they are done growing. It is tough to tell what they are going to turn out to be.
Have found a possible shooter. Triple eyeguards, good palm width, but the length seems kind of short, and points are undeveloped. But maybe he will grow more. A bit over 40" I'd say.
Also found a 45"ish bull with triple on one side and double on the other, looked good, but on the wrong side of private land. Although he was only a couple hundred yards on the wrong side.
And finally, found a definate shooter if only he had a double brow on both sides. A big old long single one on the left, dirty rotten. Maybe he'll fork out soon.
I am having one of those years all of us dread to have, but secretly want to have. I drew this moose tag, went and bought my genral archery elk and deer tags (UT), found out I drew Wyoming G, (which opens two days before the moose hunt), drew a doe antelope on Deseret. And just found out I won the lottery by pulling a Arizona strip 13A tag with 0 points.
So many tags, and so little time. I still feel my priority is the moose tag. But it is in Sep, Oct. and the AZ tag is in Nov. So they won't conflict, but the G tag does with my moose, so we shall have to see what should be done.
Well, thanks for all the help so far.
Jason "The Big Ol' Muley"
You can cow call that bull onto public land real easy. I'll lend you my call if you don't have one. Good luck with all the tags. Dream season for sure. Shoot the moose as soon as possible as they will be moving once the rut starts.
Yellum is right on about bulls moving once pre-rut starts. I hunted Wyo last year and found bulls 15 to 30 miles from where I saw them every day during the summer. I also saw several bulls during pre-rut that traveled 5 to 10 miles in a single day searching for a hot cow. Once they rub their velvet be prepared for them to move! Also, if the bull isn't holding up with a cow and you are hunting pre-rut you better get on him quick because you may never see him again!

Just as Yellum said bulls during the rut are pretty easy to call. I called in 7 different bulls last season with my voice and no call.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-05 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]When I drew a moose tag I elected to go to Wyoming deer hunting first thinking I would find the nice bull I had watched and filmed rub his velvet off only to return from a Reg-H opener deer hunt which opened the same day as my Utah moose hunt, well when I returned from the deer hunt in 4 days the moose I thought I had in the bag was gone and never seen again dont make my mistake if you find a big one stick with him up until the opener if you can and get the once in a life time tag filled first then go deer hunting when the crowd leaves the high country of Wyoming.I think Yellum is right about the bulls you see now might not even be close to where you see them even 4 days before the hunt opens they will be cruising once they get the urge to start locating breeding areas with cows.
Good luck and I say stick with the moose first before hunting deer in Wyoming.
I have come to that conclusion as well, all though I haven't really found the big one yet, some possibles, but we will see.
Thanks for the reply, and I'll let you know what I see.
Jason "The Big Ol' Muley"
If you can find the breeding areas you might find an ever bigger bull. That's how I got mine. I was told where the cows hang out and sure enough the bulls came in once the rut started.


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