Earthquake !

LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-14 AT 05:09AM (MST)[p]I just read, 6.1 out of Napa Ca.

I woke up about then, can't say if or not was earthquake caused. Seems a good bit away from where i'm at.

I hope everybody is OK. 6.1 can be destructive!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
My 2 story house was built in 1895,I couldn't believe how much my hanging lights were swinging and seen them move before on other quakes but not like this.
Just got home from work and there saying 6.0 on the news. I'm here in the Bay area and it really rocked us but luckily no damage.
I was sound asleep when the rocking and rolling started here in West Sonoma Co. No violent hit but the duration of movement was the longest I have experienced. Dogs didn't like it one bit!
Nothing like being woken up at 3:30am to the house shaking. Shook for about 15 seconds here in Santa Rosa. Still have no power. Just happy the family is safe and all the mounts are still on the walls. :)
LIK2HNT, years ago I hung a pronghorn mount above my head board in the bedroom. After just one night I figured that wasn't such a good idea. I moved it the next day:)

I hope everyone got through this with no major damage or injuries!

>LIK2HNT, years ago I hung a
>pronghorn mount above my head
>board in the bedroom. After
>just one night I figured
>that wasn't such a good
>idea. I moved it the
>next day:)
>I hope everyone got through this
>with no major damage or
I fell asleep last night on the couch and on the wall I have a full mount grizz above the couch, that would have hurt.
Holly inflated cask ...$15k a barrel?
Better hit Costco tomorrow before the price
gets hit for my favorite Napa Cabernet!!!
The center of the quake was in American Canyon which lies about half way between Napa and Vallejo in Napa Valley in northern Cali.
About 50 miles from where I live and as usual, I slept through it but the wife woke me up saying that the whole house was rocking and rolling and she heard something fall in one of the other rooms.
I got up and took a Wizz first, then looked in each room till I found 3 pictures laying on the carpet on the livingroom floor.
Went back to bed as I need some sleep as I was getting up and leaving at 0600 headed to Woodland close to Sacramento to do some range shooting with my buddy.

When I came home, I went through Napa to go home and about 3 miles of traffic signals were not working and PG&E Crews were all over the area along with CHP watching for speeders and keeping things to a slow creep.

Sorry about the folks who lost their homes etc but that is "mother nature" at its finest around here. It was a 6.0 Mag at 7 mile depth according to KTVU TV at 7pm.

BV's George de Latour PR 07' @$119. 00 ea still a bargain! !
I spent $900.00 and felt like I stole it!!
9 bottles was all thats left!


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