Earn this!


Long Time Member
Had a thought provoking conversation about this today,..well yesterday as a matter of fact. In the movie Saving Private Ryan, a World War II event is captured in which Captain John H. Miller and his men are tasked with finding one Private Ryan in the European theater of war. As most of you are familiar with, Ryan's three other brothers were killed in combat and the war department sent orders to retrieve the last living brother and return him safely home. Of course the task does not prove easy.

At a point near the end of Ryan's time in Europe, they encounter a battle scene where Allied forces have been instructed to hold a bridge. Orders are, if the tanks breech the bridge blow it up. In the final moments of the scene it becomes increasingly likely the bridge will be blown as a last ditch effort and Captain Miller goes for the detonator, which as luck would have it, lay wide open with no surrounding cover. In the process of reaching the detonator, Captain Miller sustains wounds which will prove mortal in a short time.

Soon after, and prior to blowing up the bridge, Allied support air craft arrive and the tide of the battle is quickly turned and a lull falls around the previous hell stricken battlefield. As Captain Miller lay mortally wounded and breathing his last breaths, Private Ryan leans in to hear him speak for the last time. Two words were uttered to Ryan. Earn this, earn this.

Years later the scene portrayed shows a now senior somber Ryan at a military burial ground as he approach the marker for his friend, Captain Miller. Ryan speaks to the hallowed ground and marker, presumably takes an inventory of his life, gives thanks and essentially asks if he earned it.

Pretty dramatic stuff but each of us, in some way is a Private Ryan. We have at some point, and some degree, through whatever hardships and duress we may suffer in life, have been blessed greatly by family, friends, circumstance, good health, and the list goes on. I think it would profit a man well to take stock in those good fortunes of life, say life is good, we live in a good country with so much freedom and blessing bought with blood sweat and tears from our ancestors, soldiers, and others.

We need to 'earn this.' How much better we might become as individuals, fathers, mothers, brothers, and countrymen if we take that same ownership and earn this. We thank those on this earth and on high when we take steps to earn this and bless ourselves as a side effect.

Anyway, I don't usually ramble on so long but something for all of us to think about each day. What can I do to earn this.

God Bless America and certainly at this time God bless those young men and women who put on a uniform and stand in dangerous ground for us.
We live in a world so full of contrast it's difficult to know how to teach our children these principals. On one occasion we warn the to "Leave No Trace" and the next day we admonish them to "Make A Difference".

I guess it takes both to move it forward without destroying it while we do it. (Whatever "it" is.)

I think that you do make a difference by leaving no trace.... It just goes unrecognized for the most part. I think if we can teach them how to connect the two, and help them realize that sometimes just making a difference while flying under the radar is a great way to have a happy and fulfilling life, we have accomplished not only our goal of getting them where they need to be, but also the same goal we wanted to teach them to accomplish.
To me it boils down to give more than you take. It's a simple thought that is really detailed. Have a job, give to charity but hope you won't be in a position to take charity. Be kind to the people close to you and treat others with kindness. (I have a little trouble with this on the internet sometimes). A few years ago I got into the Partners Program, basically being a mentor for a youth. It was quite the experience, my Jr. partner was from a broken home and no one in his Family had ever graduated from High School. That just blew me away, never had a High School Graduate? Geez oh Pete! and I put 3 hard years into getting this kid to graduate. Now he's in the Army and not on welfare like the rest of his Family.


LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-09 AT 02:19PM (MST)[p]Great Job 45, we could all use a little reminder now and again.:)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-09 AT 02:55PM (MST)[p]"Well - what if I feel that I earned it just by being born?"

And that ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what is wrong with our country today.

Nice post .45!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
+1 45. Reminds me of an old saying my grampps used to say to me....."Only a fool judges success with money". It does'nt pay the bills, but it has always stuck with me and helped with tough decisions. There are more important things in life and we all have something to be thankfull for.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
1911, I've clicked on this post about 10 times now. It kind of haunts me. Having a father who waded ashore on Utah beach makes it even more compelling. He survived when many around him died.

I took him to see the movie when it first came out. He thought the ending was silly, LOL! Maybe that was just a mask though.....he was a hard man to read. Even on his death bed he seemed at peace and in total control. He taught me how to die that day. I no longer fear it.

I would say he "earned this". He raised 5 kids. All of us are doing fine and productive citizens. He worked all his life and went to church regularly. He married his sweetheart in 1946, and stayed married to her until he died. He never thought of himself as a hero.

I also realize that it's my responsibility to earn this too. Even at age 61 I still wonder what I could have done or should have done differently. I hope in the end I did OK.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
"We need to 'earn this.' How much better we might become as individuals, fathers, mothers, brothers, and countrymen if we take that same ownership and earn this."

So perfectly said. BTW this philosophy is the exact opposite of Socialism, Communism and Marxism, which is where IMO this country is heading.

Great post.


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