eagle kills wolf and fox

Very cool... I'd like to have a pack string of them ponies...Tough bassturds...


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When I was about 19 driving down the road in Montana. There was a heard of Antelope running along the side of the road. All of a sudden out of no where this Eagle swooped down and hit a young lope in full stride. Killed it instantly. I have been told they hit them with their breast bone in the small of the back of their prey and break there back. Pretty ammazing! But then I get ammazed easy.
Do a You tube search (eagle attacks grizzly). Eagle wins or chases off the grizz.

Looks like a juvenile wolf dispatched by several eagles. They sure are large. Fascinating look at the use of raptors for hunting.

>No offense to rtnbuck, but ain't
>no eagle gonna kill one
>of these moose killers, no

HH, Is that Lil Red Ridinghood?

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