E. Oregon elk hunting



I am new to this forum and was just wondering how the Eagle Cap wilderness is for elk hunting? I have heard great things and was just wondering what everyone thought. Thank you for your time.
Used to hunt these in the past. ALOT of country, very few elk per square mile. BUT if you find the pockets that hold elk, can be a decent place. But in my opinion, a guy can wear a pair of boots out and not see many elk. But been awhile since I hunted in there. Be interested to hear from others that have hunted it more recently....
Awesome!!! I cant wait to head down there to see the lay of the land!!! Thank you for the information
me and a friend went in for a weekend two years ago during the last weekend. Hiked about 6 miles from the trailhead, only saw one elk (it was a 4 point)standing in the trail, and heard a few cows talk the first morning, that was it. Was not impressed with what we saw. We went in with no knowledge or info, just picked a spot and went
I can give you an idea about the lay of the land, NOT FLAT!! I hunted the caps last year and spent 9 days in there. I was in the best shape of my life but still pulled a ligament in my knee. Hunted with a group of 5 and no elk killed, only one good mullie buck. We got into the best elk hunting our last day when we came out of the wilderness and hunted the NF next to the wilderness. I'm sure, like BMA said, if you find a pocket of elk it could be good. If you find a pocket, DON'T TELL ANYONE.
I will be at no tell um ridge past no see um creek, third drainage on the left.......
How far back in were you guys. Were you by a trailhead?
Our basecamp was 6 miles from the trailhead and we hunted anywhere from 3-6 miles away from camp. We went in at @%&*$# trailhead.
I have hunted the eagle cap EVERY YEAR since 1977. We pack in approx 15 miles one way. It is extremely rough steep ground to hunt. The hunting now is nowhere near what it was even 10-15 years ago. Elk numbers have been in a steady decline since about 1995. There is very little, if any, rifle season hunting pressure. I have been told that there are far more archery hunters then rifle hunters. And very few rifle hunters who return for a second year after dealing with the low numbers of elk and the tough hunt/ weather conditions. The only wildlife numbers that are on the increase are bear and cougar and now wolves thanks to the brain dead libs who run this state.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-10 AT 01:50AM (MST)[p]how about the guides in that area and do they get guys on the elk that are there? there any good guides there?
The country is steep and deep! With that said, its definitely horse country. I have a good friend, and he and his family consistently kill good bucks and bulls in there. Weather will play a huge part in success, and knowledge of the land. As far as outfitters go, Outback Ranch outfitters (Jon Wick)is a first rate choice, also Del Sol outfitters ( Barry Cox, the guy that takes Cameron Haines in there) is great.

"Winners make commitment, Losers make excuses.
thank you for the information. i heard of another outfitter in the area. i think it is something like moss springs packing or outfitters or something like that. how are they?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-10 AT 03:52PM (MST)[p]I drive out of this state to hunt.

I thought there was a post on here about a guide/outfitter over there that let a guys Elk spoil???
could have been Snake River rather than Eagle caps..
I started hunting the caps three years ago when some friends of mine who have hunted it quit a few years finally invited me along. We mostly bivy hunt with a friend on standby able to pack us out if we kill. Since I started hunting in there it seems the elk numbers have dropped and the people numbers have increased. It is huge country, if you find some elk and get into them it can be very fun and rewarding, back country bulls are a challenge and if you get one it's best to have pack animals to get it out.
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