DWR cutting antlers off public game during hunts



I heard a vicious rumor that the utah dwr cuts antlers off elk and moose to keep hunters from shooting bigger animals to improve quality genetics... they tranquilize the animal then chop them off... Just a rumor but could anyone verify this or have you seen the chopped antlers during the hunt?

A yearling can have the same genetics as a big bull that he got them from, it is letting him get old enough to contribute his share to the pool that matters. The DWR is not going to run around pruning antlers to encourage quality genetics. They would just control tag numbers.
I heard from a VERY reliable source that they are tranquilizing bucks and bulls with bad genetics and castrating them... with their teeth... This has to stop ! ! ! We need to march on the Division main building ! ! !


It's all about the good times...
Everybody put your tinfoil hats on! You get better rumor reception with one on.

Life is like riding bulls. You're never truly ready ..... it just gets to be your turn.
wow thats the dumbest rumor ive ever heard !!! lol for if they chopped the antlers off a trophy before even the rifle hunt the rut follows in november so how could those trophy deer with no headgear even be able to fight other bucka for breeding rights???? they cant which means that hornless deer wont pass his genetics... come on man think a little...
We hear the same type of rumors in my home state. Black helicopters, cutting horns off, putting chemicals in water source's so Deer and Elk won't drink it. As far as I am concerned the people who believe this crap are dumber than the people who start the rumors!! HAWK
They are doing it on the border of Deseret. One of my second cousins friends heard about it. They are using a Helicopter piloted by none other the Don Peay. Also, the helicopter they are using was purchased with banquet tag proceeds; what a joke...
If you are going to post a story, you should have your facts straight. Geez!

It is actually a consortium of businessmen from Colorado and Idaho, sponsoring the antler cutting. Less big game in Utah means more non res hunters spending money in Co. and Id.

The antlers are shipped to Asia, ground up and used for sexual stimulants. The revenue from this export, is used to help support various fund raising events......that serve the testicles salvaged from all the neutered big game as the banquet meal.

There you have it!
I can't say that the DWR cuts off antlers because I've never seen it personally. What they do (and I've seen it many times) is tranqilize bulls and break points off to discourage hunters from taking them. If they cut them off completely, eventually someone would figure it out.

Some people will tell you that elk break points off from fighting but that's ridiculious. People like that will live forever with their heads in the sand.

You're on the right track TINEBROTHER!

It wouldn't surprise me. The DWR will pretty much do anything to ruin people hunts. It is all about the revunue with them. Go do the math figure out how much extra money they can make by hiring a helicopter at $1100 an hour to scare game away from the public or to tranquilize and cut off antlers. Financially it is really a good investment for them to pay that kind of money for helicopter time to ruin peoples hunts... NOT!!!

The DWR will sometimes cut the antlers off a moose that they tranquilize in town and have to transport back to the mountains. This is for the safety of the animal those that have to handle it, but that is about the only time I have ever heard of DWR folks cutting the antlers off live animals.

This kind of thinking it totally amazing to me. I know a lot of DWR biologists, and this may come as a huge surprise to many UT hunters, but in general they are decent guys that care about wildlife and actually want people to have a good experience hunting. I don't always agree with every idea or philosophy that I hear a biologist share, but they are absolutely NOT they devious anti-wildlife crusaders they are often made out to be. I also don't always agree with the ideas and philosophies shared by other hunters and sportsmen either.
dude the sasquatch told me it was members of peta cutting off the horns so the wolves wont get caught with a tine and injured... i belive my good friend the sasquatch cause he doesnt lie and hes always in the hills except when he comes into town to dig threw my garbage...
I think 1911 did that once!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I heard that the DWR drops bags of flour so when the deer and elk eat it they poop biscuits.

They are delicious. You should try a handful!

Some of you guys make me wonder what brand of crack you're smoking!

My brother's friend's 2nd cousin said........
Get real!

they need to cut some dudes balls off to end those blood lines first!

a Guy I know was watching a bull moose and he ended up seeing it closer to the hunt with the antlers cut.. cache area. just the word he got...

really is that all you guys got with a post like this... I think the squasnatch post is my favorite thus far.
tinebrother- dont get me startes on squasnatch! shes an elusive ***** ive been trying to wipeout for years! !! lmfao!
It is obvious that this is just a wicked rumor. DWR officials haven't left their offices long enough to even find a big bull in years. Geez, what is next. A rumor about an honest politician?

It was Mossback not DWR. DWR guys could not find a large bull or buck to save their azz.
I heard they are transplanting lions around the state too. Catching them in one area and releasing them in another. And I also heard they are trapping porcupines and keeping them all penned up in Roswell NM.

sage, was that taken by the old mining cabin up on the wasatch?

my buddy hunted that area last year and never seen a bull on his hunt. that truley explains it all. 100% factual information that noone can deny!

now to figure out how they keep stealing my preference points. i swear i should have 12, but their %$# computer says i only have 7. grrrrrr!

could this be the next post that gets linked for yrs to come?:)
Damn shed hunters won't even wait tell they hit the ground. Helicopters, and the CAT thought 4 wheelers were bad.

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