
What is your thoughts on the Jazz trading away DWill. Good, Bad or Ugly.

Depends on if we are smart about it. We need big men that play. We picked up a big man rookie who if comes out of his nut shell will be an allstar given a few years. Harris avg's aint much lower than williams. If we are smart with the draft picks then i can be a very good thing. Get rid of the rest of our baggage. Memo and AK need to be gone to much injuries and way to much money going to them for never playing
More than likely Williams was not going to resign. Good trade
given the two #1 draft picks and the potential talent coming
in return. The key will be how the Jazz use the 2 draft picks
and how active they will be in free agency this off season.

This is a good trade. D-Will was ready to go, and he was starting to show it. Good riddance ya big baby!!!!

"The freedom of the (outdoors) is not negotiable. We cannot negotiate with those who say, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable."
>The jazz should have required the
>nets to take memo instead
>of taking the 3 million

I think B_Bop would go on a spike hunt before NJ would do something like that!
>The jazz should have required the
>nets to take memo instead
>of taking the 3 million



If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
>>The jazz should have required the
>>nets to take memo instead
>>of taking the 3 million
>I think B_Bop would go on
>a spike hunt before NJ
>would do something like that!

Ha ha now thats funny.

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