Dutch Oven anyone??


Just looking for some different ideas.

I like to cook roasts, chicken and my favorite is turkey breast cooked in juice with veggies. Boneless ribs are good to.

Just looking for some different rec.

What is your favorite????
I went rafting down the Salmon in ID this summer and every meal for 5 days was from a dutch oven. The outfitter we went with was a dutch oven scientist.

My favorites were pizza, cream cheese stuffed french toast, beef stew, and cherry cobbler.

The pizza dough was made with jiffy. They baked the dough and then followed up with the sauce and toppings for about 20 minutes. I dont know if it was the beer or being out in the wilderness for a few days; but that was the best pizza I've ever had.

Sorry I can't remember the coal #s; but here's a link to a similar recipe. The outifitter I used just preferred to cook the crust first.
There are several cookbooks available on the subject.

I don't know what makes it so, but Dutch oven food is special and the guys that have mastered the art are magic!

To me, it is one of the highlights of hunting camp.

I can do biscuits and cobblers with the best of them and my breakfast quiche is famous.

But, my best "magic" trick is,.....I can turn a perfectly good elk roast into a construction brick.

I have been forced, literally at gunpoint, to NEVER touch the Dutch oven between 10am and 10pm.
A Dutch Oven is when you are laying in bed with your wife or girlfriend and fart, then you pull the covers up over her head! Now thats a Dutch Oven! This cast iron pot type business you are talking about is not. Your welcome for the tip!! :) LMAO
Cut up one onion.
One bell pepper.

Put half the pepper/onion mix on the
bottom of the oven. Layer your favorite
meat slices/steaks on top....I've used
venison, pork, chicken and beef....

Put the other half of the onion/bp mix
on top of the meat.

Spoon one can of cream of mushroom soup over it
all, put he lid on, and top/bottom cook it at
approx 350 for as many hours as you're gonnna
be gone.

Come back. Spoon over rice, egg noodles ect.


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