Duplicate Deer Tags



First off, I have been reading post on this web site for about three years now and I figured I finally had something constructive to add. Recently, I checked my mail and to my amazment my wife and daughter had received three duplicate C zone deer tags each. I called DFG and asked the lady that I was talking to if they were aware of the problem and if anyone else had received duplicate tags. The lady stated, "Yes, we think that it is a printing error!" The lady then asked me if I would mail the duplicate tags back to DFG. I told the lady that since the tags were C zone tags and not X5B tags that I would return them. We both laughed and of course I mailed the duplicate tags back to DFG. My concern now is, what if someone did in fact receive duplicate tags for a zone such as X5B. If they did, it would be easy for them to kill multiple animals out of the same zone and remove them from the woods without getting caught. I only hope that no one is stupid enough to use such a duplicate tag and that DFG can track who the duplicate tags were issued to. Has anyone heard of or received a duplicate tag, just wondering how many were issued?
With the way that these long Winters are going, i'll well put to use the extra meat. :)

Good call killintime! Welcome to THE board!!

Ah,,,Computer Systems aren't they great. Looks like you had applied for the SPECIAL family ++ secret tag system and won the C zone lotto...:)


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