Dungeness Season


Long Time Member
A good local friend dropped off 4 crabs at my place yesterday. He had driven over to the coast and went out with a friend that commercial fishes over there. VERY quick limits of big beautiful Dungeness Crab. My Favorite food on this earth, it was awesome!!

Anybody else getting them?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I hope they were not females do you know what kind of damage to the crabing you could do buy removing 4 of them.Each female can have 100 eggs apiece so thats 400 eggs,in three years those 400 with 50% being female comes to two hundred crabs laying another 100 eggs apiece comes out to 20,000 crabs.
sorry joey I just had to do that I was just kidding,I would love to go over to the sea and go on a crab/bottom fishing combo trip.Its been 5 years since I have go out on a ship.
A friend of mine at work here just gave me a crab for tonight. They got four limits yesterday, plus four limits of rock fish. Pretty good trip I'd say.
I've been out about 8 times this season. Females are off limits but for some reason rarely show up in our crab pots anyway.
I think the females are usually smaller and crawl out the escapes on the pots. Not sure though.

I love dungies and luckily have quite a few friends both commercial and sport crabbers who hook me up regularly.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
You guys can keep your ducks and small bottomfish. I mean they are great and all but i can live without a steady dose. Crab on the other hand...i'M jealous as 6 gals of water in a five gallon bucket of anybody that lives near enough to the coast in a area that they can just go out and bring home limits whenever they want!

Good on you and i flat ought to move off this mountain and over to the coast! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Overton, i don't know that i could afford to live in a Dumpster that was only 400 yds from the ocean! No hate here, might be a tad envious though. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
It's been a real strange year up north.(Humboldt) There are lots of crabs but they aren't anywhere near full. A buddy of mine ate 5 crabs and still didn't get his fill, they're that light. They should close the sport fishery for awhile, but of course they won't. It's a waste to take a crab that is only half filled out.

The commercial season normally opens Dec.1 every year, but the crabs are so light, the talk now is to open the commercial season mid January. The traditional Holiday crab feed is in grave danger this year. They import crabs from Oregon, but they're not that fresh.

Commercial crabbers are only allowed to take males, but sport fishers can take both. Females are inferior in taste and texture and I would rather not eat one. (but I will if forced upon me by a friend :))

Hey Joey! Last year when I met you for lunch, if I would have known that you like crabs that much, I would have had the warden, I mean wife, give you her receipe for Baked Alaska.
Nick, Baked Alaska! Sounds great, must be good with a name like that, but i never had any. Tell the truth, i would fear it messing up a otherwise great crab. Catchem, cookem, gutem and eatem. That's the way i like em!

Now, if you and the Warden was to supply the crab, i'll eatem any ol way you care to fixem. Thanks for the thought!!

Eelgrass, pretty sure my buddy got his outa the Bodega Bay area. That's not too far south of you so not sure where to go with this. Seemed to me those crabs were plenty full. Maybe they picked out some of the better ones but i'm not kidding when i say that they, the four my buddy brought over for me, were some of the best i ever had.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
The Bodega crabs have been full this year and nice sized also.
By the way Sage dumpsters can be made real comfortable with a few alterations!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-11 AT 07:43AM (MST)[p]Crab condition varies throughout their range. It doesn't surprise me that Bodega Bay crabs are full and North Coast crabs are light. Don't ask me why, but I suspect it's because overton cleans out his dumpster into the bay, so the crabs have more to eat.


Edit: Back when I was a little crazy, I used to launch my 8' pram at Trinidad Harbor and row out into the ocean with two crab rings. Lots of times there would be 4' swells out there. I don't even think I owned a life jacket back then.
my wife and i hit the first crab feed at the inn at the tides,in bodega,the crab was fantastic,i ate my moneys worth and then some.
bern, Don't you love a great crab feed? I too get my moneys worth, in spades, sometimes even feel a little guilty. Guys like me though, make up for all those that don't even eat a whole crab. It all evens out i guess. Thanks for posting!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Good crab is probably my favorite meal, definately my favorite thing from the ocean... I gorge myself on them when ever we get them on sale and have a feed...

Joey, I bet I'd give you a run for the money at a crab feed...lol


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Now, there's a civilized challenge if i ever heard one! :)

Snort, i might travel if you hear of a good feed down your way. let me know.

Why would i travel 300 miles to eat Crab? I've several times went to Reno, 120 miles, with the intentions of a couple good feeds and even though i generally get comped, those trips sometimes cost me a grand or more before said and done. Advice; the "free crab" in Reno, it ain't worth it! lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LOL... And the advice of shaving one side then setting the other on fire and stabbing them with an ice pic when they ran across was a horrible idea... Thanks a lot Rans...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LOL... Bear Sushi...MMMmmmmm


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>bern, Don't you love a great
>crab feed? I too get
>my moneys worth, in spades,
>sometimes even feel a little
>guilty. Guys like me though,
>make up for all those
>that don't even eat a
>whole crab. It all evens
>out i guess. Thanks for
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

not only did i fill up on crab ,i did a little scouting around bodega,lots of big blacktails running around.
How many did you have to clean today H.Harry? :)

Anybody eat the puss between the body halves? lol


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
>Anybody eat the puss between the
>body halves? lol

Are we still talking about shellfish? lol


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

Yeah, puss! Rhymes with school bus. I've heard it called crab "essence" and that some people whip it up and in a bread roll, eat it as a tasty sandwich.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Kinda funny, last night i was invited to a friends for diner, we had a crab each to go with our steaks. The job of cleaning the crabs fell to me and i was talking about the crabs and showing my buddy how to clean them at the same time. So, as i pulled the shell off, my buddy got interested as i was telling him that some people eat this part, the essence or that middle part between there between the legs.

He picked up a spoon and poked at it. Then he scraped him up a spoonful, stuck it in his mouth, like that, and swallowed it in one gulp. I was looking at him and he was looking at me...until i saw him start to retch so i scooted over a bit. Probably wouldn't have been so bad if'n he just hadn't gotten home from work and had chugged down a few beers. When he heaved, he was still in his tracks that he was in when he swallowed that guts and stuff down so the sink was right there but he missed it by a good ways. Sometimes a guy wishes that he had a camera along an this was one of those. Before it was over, several minutes there of serious voiding of the stomach, the guy had crab essence all over his face, hair, and even there was some up his nose.

All in all, worked out pretty good for me. My buddy lost all his appetite for crab so i got his too instead of letting it go to waste. It was a nice evening, we watched a old taped 49'ers game, until i told him that i think that you're suppose to mix up that essence with mayonnaise or something. He said something to the effect that he doesn't like Mayo and that he had a early morning so we called it a night.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Hey Joey. I'm going to save some of the stuff inside the crabs this winter. When we go fishing in the boat this spring I'm bringing you a couple of sandwiches with crab guts and mayo. Yummy.
Ah, Thanks anyway! How about this Larrbo...i'll supply lunch!

That's why i asked. I never would believe that some do like the stuff.

My buddy called and said that when he missed high of the sink with the first big blast, some went out the window screen and he found it running down the outside of his house staining the paint. Talk about a firehose!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joey, locally it is known as crab butter. Some people love it but it's usually the old timers. I've tried to eat it a few times but never aquired a taste for it.

Thanks Eelgrass! As usual you are a veritable cornucopia of useful information.

Brings a whole new outlook on where you get your bread buttered. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Yup, butter, its not too bad, i will leave a bit on the body of the crab when i clean them for myself but everyone else in the family likes it rinsed off.

Acquired taste for sure.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
I used to get some great Crab in Reno. There was a fancy Steakhouse to the right side of the Buffet at the Eldorado. Every Fri, they'd reconfigure the steakhouse into the best seafood buffet i've ever seen. Huge tables heaped high with Dungeness, another stacked high with King Crab, oyster, monster prawns, you name it they had it. That place and those days are gone.

I just got back from spending three days looking for one good crab feed...and didn't find one, not one Dungeness crab leg. While enjoying a nice buffet lunch upstairs at the Silver Legacy, i asked the waitress if they were going to be serving Dungeness that evening. She went and got the guy in charge of the Kitchens, nice older guy with silver hair and a foot high white top hat on. He said that he doubted very much if i'd find Dungeness anywhere in town aside from a fancy dinner place, certainly not at a buffet.

I enjoyed my little chat with the guy, we talked of snow crab, the various kinds and how some can be better that the other, but getting back to dungeness, he told me flat out that they had to pay, get this, $27. a pound for the stuff. $27. a pound!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hey Joey, you made it back from Reno all in one piece. Sorry you couldn't find any crab over there. We went to the store today and looked for fresh crabs and we couldn't find a one.

Did you see I made the front page of MM.

I saw you up there Larry!

Joey, glad to see you made it back from the biggest little city in one piece! Hopefully financially in tact as well, LOL.

I am taking my wife there later this month for her birthday/Christmas present.

Last time I ate crab at a buffet in Reno everyone was going NUTS over it and we couldn't eat it because it was so bad in our opinion. We are a bit spoiled in the seafood dept. I guess.


Kill the buck that makes YOU happy!
Larrbo, I talked to my bud up here that brought me those 4 dandies earlier, he said the commercial guys, they are all set up on who buys the crab, who they can sell to... He said the price paid was like $2.50 a pound. Hauling that stuff is your business but seems like a guy could make a decent buck hauling from the docks-processer to the casino's :)

Congrats Larry! You earned that buck!!

Bill, If i were in decent enough shape to start my business over in another location, it would be on the Coast where i could catch my own fill of crab. As it is, i'm just now making a dollar, took about 6 years for the word to get around.

I had a blast! The hallways in Circus Circus were a zoo so kinda tough to sleep-in after the late nights. No crab, i didn't win any money, didn't lose a whole lot, but i did have a great time and glad that i went.

I had dinner Sun Night at the Steakhouse up on the mezzanine at, room and meals were comped, Circus Circus. Kinda spendy but i wanna tell you, it was one of the best out to dinner meals i've ever had. TOP Flight service and my flaming porterhouse, they actually set that sucker on fire next to my table, could be cut with a fork. Great dinner place if you want to get away from the hoards and relax to a super nice meal!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
larrbo, you're in the front row! Nice! A very deserving buck you got!

Still no commercial crab season out of Eureka. They gotta be in good shape by now.

One of our local casinos used to have an all you can eat crab feed every Friday night (in season). I think they quit last year, but not sure. It was only $15 if I remember right. They were counting on customers to drop a bunch of money in the slot machines.

We had a good minus tide about a week ago. It was late in the day, almost dark. I heard there were a bunch of people razor clamming. They got a few, but most got hammered by rogue waves. I don't think I want to try it.

I don't mind getting a little wet for razors eel but drowning I gotta agree with you is not quite worth it!


Kill the buck that makes YOU happy!

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