Duncan Hunter??



I took an internet test today and it came out with Hunter on top. I havent been able to see any of the debates. What do you guys think of him?
You dork you must not think much of him.

But this might be a Duncan
Duncan who? a candidate more than 7 people have heard of would probably have a better chance.
I think Duncan Hunter is a great choice...who has absolutely no chance whatsoever of winning the nomination. He's conservative, understands our illegal immigration problem better than most and comes from southern California.

Since SoCal has so many votes, he might make a legitimate choice for VP, but he has no chance at all of getting the nomination, not nearly enough name recognition outside of southern CA. With California considering a ballot initiative that would split our electoral votes in proportion to statewide voting, having him might help carry Orange, San Diego counties and all the other counties surrounding LA. If that happens and the initiative passes, Hunter as veep might be a wild card that could tip the election in a meaningful way.
Agree. Duncan's a really good candidate regarding on the issues, but didn't have enough name recognition out of the gate; could make a really good veep.

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