Dumber than I thought


Long Time Member
I just watched John Hagee a fundamentalis pastor appear on the news with McCain. I watched him say the Catholic church is responsible for the Holocaust and called the church the horror of Babylon. He also said that God sent Katrina to punish America for its homosexuality.

McCain grinned and responded I don't have to agree with all of the people that support me positions. Now that's the kind of strong leader we need. He didn't have the balls to say the guy is a nut and I don't accept his support. Why? Because he hopes the fundamentalist are going to get him elected. What was Obama's response in the debates when Hillary grilled him on Farakhan supporting him. It was no I reject Farakhan and his policies and his support.

I really didn't think McCain was that dumb. Someone explain to me how this shows any intelligence and how anybody can vote for this clown. Will he accept support from individuals that hate the LDS, Lutheran, Buddhist? I await the intelligent responses I'm sure are coming?
When it comes to presidential canidates, I feel like the commander on the spaceballs ship when he inquires, "how many of you are *******s?...I knew it, I'm surrounded by *******s!"

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
If McCain is too dumb to know there are more Catholics than there are fundamentalist he's in trouble. even a suck up should understand numbers, all I can figure is he's banking on the fact even if most Catholics hate him they'll vote for him over Obama. he's probably right.
This is one time I have to agree with Cornhusker, he should have never had that nut job on the stage with him, let along let him rant on like that.
But! I still have reservations about Obama also and some of his programs. We do not need another slick willie, and the other side will argue that we do not need another Bush Jr.
We are all screwed.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-08 AT 07:25PM (MST)[p]If your arms were too short to wipe your axx or pick your nose you'd be weird too! Give the guy a break, he's refreshing after what we've put up with the last 7 years.

Ransom read my post. I said that above. Obama said in the last debate that he not only rejected but denounced Farrakhan and his policies. This was the part of the debate when Hillary was giving him hell for rejecting Farrakhan and he said I not only rejected but denouced Farrakhan and his policies.
"It was no I reject Farakhan and his policies and his support."

Corn that is not exactly true. Actually he kept saying denounce and not reject. Denounce and reject are not one in the same. It was not until Hillary pushed and pushed did Obama say he would cede the point. He also did not say he rejected faracons suport. He said he had no control over who supports him.
If Obama had a brain and really did not agree with the Faracon endorsement then he should have said he rejected Faracons endorsement from the get go. I believe he as, McCain with Hagee, is pandering.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Denounce is actually stronger than reject: Denounce-to comdemn or censure openly or publicly. to denounce a politician as morally corrupt.

Reject: to refuse to accept to discard. When Hillary looking like a complete ass tried to create confusion he said have it your way "I both reject and denounce" I just played it on the DVR to make sure I was right.

Now explain to me 202 how that is pandering in the same way as McCain when he didn't say one thing against these outrageous views that Hagee was given a platform to rant upon. Did Obamaa go on stage with Farakhan to give his position credence? Has Obama ever went public with Farakhan. If you can spin doctor this to walk and quack like a duck I will be amazed. Respectfully Cornhusker.

Good for Obama. Still won't vote for him. Will cast a vote in the election though to reserve my right to criticize the next president, just as some of you do now, if my candidate does not win.

I agree with you Ransom and I may be criticizing Obama within a year. Always voted, always will, sometimes regretted who I voted for but it is the process. I still have hope we will find another great leader in this country. I also really disagree with voting for Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck or whatever name some people write in. Choose who you think will do the best for the country and give it a shot.

You have my respect even though we will cancel each other out. Most of my friends are voting for McCain we just disagree. Isn't America great is spite of the problems we have.

Absolutely yes! It is great and beyond a shadow of a doubt, to me, the greatest nation on earth.

>Absolutely yes! It is great and
>beyond a shadow of a
>doubt, to me, the greatest
>nation on earth.

To bad Hussein doesn't believe that.
Obama want's to fix some of Bush's screw ups, that means he doesn't think this is a great country? I'm not sure I agree with all of his ideas but I don't doubt his dedication or love of his country any more than any other politian.
Obama might be proud of his Country. Heck, even his wife is now proud, for the first time in her adult life.:)

I'm in California so my Republican vote has not counted for a long time. It will be even worse this election.


You need to have faith. A lot of those liberal democrats have reached retirement age. They are moving out of the bay area and L.A. and flocking to the liberal mecca of Oregon to join Dude.
Your Republican vote may mean something in a few short years. The ones who do not want to go to Oregon, we will ship to Montana to join Tfinal. Cornhusker you better watch out, Nebraska may be next.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-08 AT 04:17PM (MST)[p]RELH

I have secret info that T, Zigga and Dude are all McCoy descendants. We should discuss this a length. So far all info has it that Cornhusker is not but will continue to monitor the situation.

>Obama might be proud of his
>Country. Heck, even his wife
>is now proud, for the
>first time in her adult
>I'm in California so my Republican
>vote has not counted for
>a long time. It will
>be even worse this election.


Hopefully when all is said and done her opinion will revert back.

I got my tax bill back from my CPA yesterday since I don't pay estimated's because I'm in the ag business it's all do March 1st. after the shock wore off McCain is looking better all the time, because of taxes and taxes only.

I'm not dumb enough to think who ever gets elected will have to raise taxes, but I think McCain will leave capitol gains alone and Obama has said he wants to raise them. if by November I'm not as sick about the check I wrote this morning I might be a better American and vote for who I think is best for the country and not my bank account.

The self centered conservative attitude around here makes me feel better at times like these. If I voted for Obama but McCain won that might be just the ticket, it's hell being self centered but having a conscience. I need another drink.
Give me a break dude......hating taxes "is" american. Anyone that willingly pays taxes and likes watching how it is then spent is an idiot.

You guys are GREAT! I'm mean that it's not sarcasm. I had a good smile and chuckle over all your posts. RELH were already getting more liberals from both coasts they can retire here cheaper than the coasts. They usually become like the locals and gravitate toward the middle or become conservative republicans after a few years.

Dude you sound like my son complaining about how much taxes he pays. About a year ago when he finished his final degree he got a job that paid very well. Now all he does is complain about how much money he had to pay in taxes. He says California is very good at taxing on the state level and a single guy doesn't have many deductions. Simple solution Dude don't make so much money you won't pay so much taxes. Although in Nebraska property tax is really high maybe the same in Oregon. I've been looking at different state tax structures, looks like Wyoming or South Dakota is the place for me in 5 or 6 years.

As for being related to the McCoys I think they were Scots
-Irish I'm a Swede so probably only in thoughts only. LOL.
>Give me a break dude......hating taxes
>"is" american. Anyone that willingly
>pays taxes and likes watching
>how it is then spent
>is an idiot.

JB, that's true, unless the idiot stands to benefit directly from those taxes. I know people who love every tax hike that comes along. It keeps their free ride going.

You are right the Mccoys were scots. I am glad you are not related to the McCoys, I like you most of the time and would not want a reason for myself and Ransom to dislike you. Guess which hillbilly family we are desended from. P.S. Keep converting those seaboard liberal transplants.

What hillbilly family are you a member of would be the better question than decended from, it sounds as if you're implying you've evolved some.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-08 AT 01:11AM (MST)[p]I would say that we have evolved very well. My last I.Q. test had a score of 130. what is yours? I hope you are not still in the paleolithic age of evolution.

P.S. Dude, I do not want you racking your brain too much, the paleolithic age is the old stone age of mankind,not the new stoneage that came right after, about the time you and your relatives had your knuckles about one inch off the ground while walking upright. I hope your question was answered.
They wouldn't give me the score, something about national security. now ever since I took it NASA keeps calling with questions , but I'll admit I don't know as much about rockets as they think I do.
I always thought of you as a farmer Hdude. You know, like "Strawberry Fields." That kind of farmer!:)


You dork. LMAO


Like I said I'll keep watch on the enemy. They seem to be rearing their ugly heads again. I guess every generation of "them" have to learn the same lesson. The down side is that the cost of kerosene keeps rising.


Now you will have Dude inquiring about how does the cost of kerosene figure into this equation. I vote we do not tell him and force him to bone up on his history lessons. The education might do him some good.
Have you had a chance to start spoiling that new Granddaughter.


Hopefully with Dude using Oregon math, he will be competely befuddeled with the cost of kerosene. Another issue I'd like to point out is the fact that the McCoys also were liberal.
On a brighter note yes we have been spoiling the new grand daughter. Still trying to get even with my own daughter. LOL


Did she have the baby at Memorial, Sutter or Kaiser? My Granddaughter is a nurse in the childrens section at Sutter.

Pretty nice thread fellas. I really do think we could get along if we were in the same place, with probably a spat now and then. Ransom is she your first grandchild? Either way much more exciting than a new puppy.

I agree with you we probably could get along hunting, fishing, camping or just BSing. Members of my family have also went over to the dark side so I'm used to you guys already. LOL
Also this is my 3rd grand baby and with the good lord willing hopefully not the last one.


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