
Wondering who's going to admit to some of the Dumb Shots/Stunts they've pulled off in Life with Guns?
When I was younger in the Banner day of Jack Rabbit Hunting my Drivers side Mirror some how got shot,I think a short barreled 100-22 Ruger was to blame lol:D
Post em up boys.

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Remember, your talking to the elite long distance Monster Muleys Club. No one makes dumb shots except noobies to the forum.
Back in the day it was long distance shooting:from the end of my Ruger Barrel to the Mirror :D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
A couple of years ago, I sprained my knee on a rabbit hunt and was out of commission for the day . . . or was I.

I ended up locking the truck into 4 low with the chains on all 4 tires. I had a 12 gauge out each window, and as my brothers hunted parallel to the dirt road I kept pace with them and got plenty of shots off.

I gotta say, I am still proud of that one.
I once put a 54 caliber bullet through a rolled up gore-tex jacket from about 3 feet. I was decocking a muzzle loader when my finger slipped off the trigger. My Wife yelled, "what the hell are you shooting at?" "nothing much, just my $200 dollar jacket". Since it was rolled up it had about 20 holes in it and some powder burns.
To this day I am not sure how this happened. When I was a young brat I stole the keys to my brothers car so I could go hunting the farmers fields after school (I had permission to hunt the fields). After seeing a nice buck in the fields eating I laid my rifle across the top of the car to squeezed of a shot. Next thing I knew the deer is running off and my brother?s car now had a hole in it. Try explaining that one to your brother.

My friend and I where in Wyoming on an antelope hunt. We both tagged out early and started to make a day of shooting prairie dogs with our .270's. He was leaning over his hood using it as a gun rest and lineing up on a ground rat. he says I'm on him. BOOM! something didn't sound right. all of a sudden he realized he shot his truck hood. lots of swearing from him, and laughing from me, we made it home with a slight whistle on the road.
Have never shot a hood, (my son has), but I did learn early on not to shoot the muzzle loader across the hood unless the truck is black.
How bout it muzz?
You ever pull anything off?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
A few years ago when I had just got my new RZR S, I decided to go sight in my rifle in the hills. I was shooting accross the roof of the RZR and the bullet ripped a 2 foot long hole in the pleather roof.

When I was 16, two other buddies and myself got ahold of a Daisy Red Rider and a couple cases of beer. Well after shooting at a few of our friends and drinking most of the beer our targets began to switch to street lights. 171 street light bulbs later (that be how many I shot) and the end of our beer we started making our way home. Next morning I get up and am heading out when the local pokey pulls in our driveway and ask if I'd be willing to join him and a couple of my friends down town. Dumb? Yup, you bet. Terrible dumb...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
>When I was 16, two other
>buddies and myself got ahold
>of a Daisy Red Rider
>and a couple cases of
>beer. Well after shooting at
>a few of our friends
>and drinking most of the
>beer our targets began to
>switch to street lights. 171
>street light bulbs later (that
>be how many I shot)
>and the end of our
>beer we started making our
>way home. Next morning I
>get up and am heading
>out when the local pokey
>pulls in our driveway and
>ask if I'd be willing
>to join him and a
>couple of my friends down
>town. Dumb? Yup, you bet.
>Terrible dumb...
>"Courage is being scared to death
>but saddling up anyway."

But I'll bet you're a damm fine shot because of it.
Too many to list.

One that comes to mind and still gives me chills... hit a 22 rimfire shell with a hammer on an anvil... inside the shop.
When I was about 12, my dad kept his shotguns locked up, but not his shells. We figured out we could tape them to the end of our bb guns and the bb would set them off. worked well, but we only ever dared to do it a few times.
My dad and some guys where hunting ducks. One of the guys kept muzzeling them thinking it was a joke. The rest of the crew was getting upset, telling him to knock it off, that it wasn't funny and very unsafe. He blew em off in jest saying the gun wasn't loaded, nothing to worry about. To prove that it wasn't loaded, he put the butt end of the 12 gauge right on his cajones and pulled the trigger. I'm sure you can guess what happend next. Full recoil right where it counts! Put him on the ground for 10 minutes, he was hurt'n but at least no one got shot.
About 8 years ago, after a nice morning of pheasant hunting. My buddy and I were driving around the ranch shooting yotes. I saw a dog out in the rice field and got out of the truck and used the hood as a rest. Just like I have done on many yotes. I made the nice 200 yard shot on a broadside coyote to help the pheasant population. After a couple high fives, we jump into the truck to chase some more dogs. I then noticed my whole front windshield was spider cracked. Made a good morning go bad very quickly.
When I was 8 living in Mt.Home,Id. Me and my buddy got a small bag of my dad's 22 shorts and went bird huntin with my black cocker Duke and a rock and hammer. Duke didn't come home till the next day and was hurtin. Dad said looked like some farmer shot him in the side. OH OH
shell goes on rock, hammer hits shell..boom

you can also set off rimfires by throwing them at hard walls (brick/cement)..Thats what i'm told anyway.
Back in high school.(the mid 1980's) I hugh out with some trouble makers from Mackay Idaho. One night someone wondered if an arrow would stick in the electric sign of the pizza place in town. It did. Another time we were driving around at night just being up to no good in my buddys dads new truck. A coyote crosses the road in front of us and runs into the field on the drivers side of the truck. My buddy rolls down the window, sticks the barrel of his 30 Carbine out the window and fires 4 quick shots. The ejecting rounds broke the windshield in 4 places.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
I have several... Maybe some are best left unsaid...

Me and this kid were riding in the back of my buddies pickup shooting jackrabbits in the dark. We both had .17s, with bipods resting on the roof of the pickup. Buddy drives, we tap the roof, he stops we shoot. Simple system. Until my buddy slams on the brakes and the other kids .17 goes flying towards the hood, he dives and catches it, but in the process pulls the trigger and sends one through the hood. He didn't hit anything important and my buddy didn't know for at least 6 months.

One day on the ranch, I was eating lunch in the pickup, shootin a few ground squirrels. I have a 10/22 with a nice scope and I was gettin pretty good at those 100 yd shots. I see a squirrel, take aim and shoot. I see dust a long ways off and think "theres no way I missed by that much". I never took my face off the gun, the squirrel is still there, so I shoot again. Still way off, now I'm thinkin "what the hell?" so I lift my head up. Oh, that's why, I just shot my drivers side mirror. Twice.
In High School while cat-fishing got bored and drilled a lizard off a rock at about 10 ft with my .22...it ricocheted and thought a piece of the rock hit me in the left arm...2 weeks later it finally festered up enough I was able to pull a piece of lead fragment from my arm..
When I was 10-11 yrs old, I use to empty clips of .22 LR rounds straight up in the air and run underneath a tree and listen to the bullets landing around me!.........what an idiot!!

A funny thing we use to do was tell my best buddys brother that we were going to shoot him if he did not leave us alone. My buddy would point an unloaded .22 in his direction while I shot .22 rnds into the ground behind my back. At the same time my buddy would be acting like there was some recoil. The little brother would be zig-zagging while running away from us just yelling!! LOL!!

One time we took bb guns and shot out our own Christmas lights. (the larger ones)

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