DUH! My house is on fire!



1st of all, rest assured my heart aches for all those that have lost their homes in the fires in southern California, however, how smart do you have to be to realize that if you build your home in dense brush in a canyon that is prone to fire anyway that sooner or later you are going to have a big problem! We are starting to see the same problem here in southern Utah. The developers are building high dollar subdivisions in brush and PJ forests or in flood plains. Not only that, they are destroying the winter habitat for mule deer. A few years ago I called one of the officers of Sportsmen for Wildlife & asked what they were going to do about the loss of habitat. His response was ?we don't have enough money to fight that battle & neither do you. Well! I'm sort of tired of the planning & zoning commissions and mega buck developers putting honest, all be it dumb buyers in harms way. Let alone, destroying habitat that will never be recovered.

Damnit! I don't have an answer, just an opinion!

Yeah and the real kicker is its the fault of the Forest Service and the firefighters when the homes burn. It just amazes me how much of a lack of common sense exists in the world today.

It's Bush's fault!!!
Same type of thing is going to happen in Draper on the "Point Of The Mountain". It's nothing but a huge gravel pile....not a rock on the place. Now there is 5000 homes just waiting to slide off when we have even the slightest little shake.
It's not even a matter of "if"...it's "when".

Greedy developers....they must get their licenses out of the gumball machines.

Go figure!:eek:

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
pretty good analogy SD, put your money in and a license and permit comes out....nice isn't it ?

Just hang on for a while. When the Dems take full power, things will be better. They're going to stop global warming, which caused the fires. (That's what Dingey Harry said today). And if we do have a fire our National Guard will put it out. Thay can't now because that evil Bush has them in Iraq. That's what Barbara Boxer said.

When Bush is gone it'll be a utopia!

HEY clitoRUS!!!

HEY clitoRUS!!!






RE: HEY clitoRUS!!!

....so, the flood takes out the mobile home in Arkansas and the guy stands right there and tells the newsgirl...."it's reel bad fer us, again. This will be the 5th time our in sure us had to git us a new trailer".

It will be the same thing here in Ca...it's just not as funny to hear Anal Retentive Democrats discuss their current dilemma. This winter it will be landslides in the Hollywood hills......
RE: HEY clitoRUS!!!


Being a new day I've already got over the suffering is South Kali. This leads to my famous joke. What does a Hurricane in Florida, a divorce in Alabama( my birth right) and a flood in Arkansas all have in common? Someone is fixing to loose a mobile home.


RE: HEY clitoRUS!!!

i have a house boat and it sunk and now i'm mad at the coast guard for letting my home flood and sink!!!!

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
>Just hang on for a while.
>When the Dems take full
>power, things will be better.
>They're going to stop global
>warming, which caused the fires.
>(That's what Dingey Harry said
>today). And if we do
>have a fire our National
>Guard will put it out.
>Thay can't now because that
>evil Bush has them in
>Iraq. That's what Barbara Boxer
>When Bush is gone it'll be
>a utopia!

Well said Eel.
Yep and gues what boys and girls, your home owners insurance will go up because of this. As you know insurance companies do not lose money.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Well i say-
"Thank God for global warming, or else we'd still be in the ice age!!":p

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
? San Diego wants to rebuild | Main | Too early to say how avocados fared ?

Six illegal immigrants arrested at Qualcomm

San Diego:

Six undocumented Mexican immigrants were arrested today by U.S. Border Patrol agents at Qualcomm Stadium, after a report that they were stealing food and water meant for evacuees, according to spokesman Damon Foreman.

San Diego police responded to a call about alleged theft from the evacuation center and encountered six people in a van who didn't speak English and didn't have California driver's licenses, Foreman said. The police officers called the Border Patrol, who arrived at the stadium and made the arrests, he said. Foreman said the immigrants admitted they were Mexican citizens and that they were stealing.

Border Patrol agents are not looking for illegal immigrants at the center but will continue responding to police calls for assistance.

"We are not in any means at Qualcomm for enforcement capacity," he said. "We are not there to take advantage of a situation."

Foreman said the agents have been helping in the evacuation and rescue effort in addition to carrying out their main duties.

"We are dedicated to our primary mission to securing our borders," he said.

-- Anna Gorman
>Well i say-
>"Thank God for global warming, or
>else we'd still be in
>the ice age!!":p
> Skull Krazy
>"No Bones About It"


Maybe I'm really a jerk but a 2 mile thick glacier on top of New York City sounds good to me.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-07 AT 11:45AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-07 AT 11:42?AM (MST)

I live in San Diego and it has been hell here for the last few days. 500K+ homes were evacuated. Many were nowhere near a brushy canyon. Yes those that were close to a canyon were more at risk but so was virtually everyone in the county, even those on the beach. You could make your same arguement about anyone living near the seashore and the threat of tsunamis. You could say the same about people living around the gulf or the South and the hurricanes. You could say the same thing about people living in the Midwest and tornados. You could say the same thing about people living in the mountains and avalanches and landslides. A fire is a risk for anyone in the country living anywhere near open space, especially in the West. So what we are not supposed to live anywhere? Or we are stupid because of our choice of where we do live? We take a risk every day that we wake up. You take your best precautions to prevent distasters and have insurance when they do happen, but we can't let the fear of Mother Nature rule our lives. And it's not fair to be called stupid. There is risk in everything in this day and age.

http://www.wildernessathlete.org/ because the most important piece of equipment you own is YOU!
My sister was one of the evacuated people and I would say she lives in a non fire prone area. However when the wind is blowing a sustained 60 MPH glowing embers fly along ways so she left.
These fires are very suspicious in how they started just when a major wind storm approached. If you look at the satallite images you can see how they started in areas to cause the most trouble.
The logistics of evacuating 500 thousand people is huge I still can't figure out where they all went. The officials that handled this did a great job with the reverse 911 call to get people to evacuate.

Certianly didn't mean to offend anyone. The point I was trying to make was related to the developement I'm seeing in the area around where I live. Granted you can't build anywhere completely safe but when you build in areas that are obviously at risk then one has to wonder how much thought went into the selection process. Unfortunately the most coveted areas are sometimes the most dangerous as well.

BP, I can't even imagine the horror of seeing your entire community go up in flames. Also wondered where the heck 500,000 people went. Prayers are with all those who lost in this disaster.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-07 AT 04:11PM (MST)[p]>Certianly didn't mean to offend anyone.
>The point I was trying
>to make was related to
>the developement I'm seeing in
>the area around where I
>live. Granted you can't build
>anywhere completely safe but when
>you build in areas that
>are obviously at risk then
>one has to wonder how
>much thought went into the
>selection process. Unfortunately the most
>coveted areas are sometimes the
>most dangerous as well.
>BP, I can't even imagine the
>horror of seeing your entire
>community go up in flames.
>Also wondered where the heck
>500,000 people went. Prayers are
>with all those who lost
>in this disaster.


Your a mean man. I can't believe you called those unfortunate people dumb! I propose that you start with a heart felt apology to all the victims and throw another one in for the warden or his widow.
Also you could start weekly counseling for anger management and Utardism.
If you need additional advice don't hesitate to ask.

My house is located just a few miles from one of the most active subduction zone earthquake faults in the world. All the experts predict that I very well could dissappear in a heartbeat, at any time, with no notice!

How stupid is that? Not too bright, for sure!

But I like livin' on the edge! (literally) LOL!

>My house is located just a
>few miles from one of
>the most active subduction zone
>earthquake faults in the world.
>All the experts predict that
>I very well could dissappear
>in a heartbeat, at any
>time, with no notice!
>How stupid is that? Not too
>bright, for sure!
>But I like livin' on the
>edge! (literally) LOL!


At least you wouldn't have to worry about social security and health care if the real big one hit. See, I can always find good things come from bad things.


I'd rather burn to death defending my house than take any lip from some arrogant overpaid government man. Seriously. FTA


>Oh gawd....if that doesn't put lead
>in your pencil, nothing will


You swiped that photo from me! Your forgiven, I'll share her. Don't let RUS see her or the old man might have a heart attack.


>>Oh gawd....if that doesn't put lead
>>in your pencil, nothing will
>You swiped that photo from me!
>Your forgiven, I'll share her.
>Don't let RUS see her
>or the old man might
>have a heart attack.

Well, you swiped it from Matt Drudge.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-07 AT 08:48PM (MST)[p]D13

Can you keep no secrets at all?


By the way I must be gravely ill as I miss Dude. Must be a mental illness thing. It's gotten so I have found myself answering for him. If this continues I'll end up hating myself.
>I'd rather burn to death defending
>my house than take any
>lip from some arrogant overpaid
>government man. Seriously. FTA

See!!!! This is how disasters start! Just one little crack below the mountains & pretty we are all consumed! Oh Well, we all gotta go sometime.


My house sits right dab over the Rodgers Fault in this area and I can always feel it coming if I am at home.
Last time I was on this computer typing away a reply or something on MonsterMuleys and it rumbled under me and the screen sort of shook, no power lost thank god. Then the wife came in and said; "did you feel that?" I said what! The earthquake and I said I must have dosed off again, she didn't think it was funny and left me alone the rest of the evening.
No sence of humor............


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