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Hillary Meter: Just 24% Consider Clinton Likely Candidate in 2008
Monday, November 06, 2006
In the most recent Rasmussen Hillary Meter survey, former First Lady Hillary Clinton has shifted three points to the left on the ideological continuum to 58 points left of the nation?s political center. Only twice in 2006 has she been seen so far to the left. In October of 2005, she was seen as 60 points to the left of the nation?s political center. More recently, she had moved somewhat to the right, settling at 50 a month ago, and 51 a month before that.

The political center is calculated by subtracting the number of liberals from the number of conservatives among the general public (35% conservative, 18% liberal for a net +17). For the Senator, 6% conservative minus 47% liberal equals a net minus 41. The minus 41 reading for Senator Clinton is 58 points away from the plus 17 reading for the general public

At 58 points, New York?s junior Senator is perceived as being more liberal than even her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Only former Vice President Al Gore is seen by the public as further to the left than Senator. Republican Presidential hopefuls John McCain and Rudy Giuliani are seen as closer to the nation's political center. President George W. Bush is 29 points to the right of center.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Americans now see New York?s junior Senator as politically liberal. Thirty-four percent (34%) see her as a moderate, up 4 points from the last Hillary Meter survey.

Currently, 44% report a favorable opinion of Clinton, up six points from the last survey. The number with an unfavorable opinion is down by five to 40%. A month ago, she received similar marks on this measure. Ms. Clinton enjoyed her highest favorability ratings to date in January, 2006, when 47% rated her favorably.

Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Americans say they would definitely vote against Senator Clinton if she is on the Presidential ballot in 2008. Thirty percent (30%) say they would definitely vote for her, while a quarter of respondents (25%) say their vote would depend upon who she runs against. These numbers have remained largely unchanged since the last survey. In every edition of the Hillary Meter, a plurality of Americans have said they would definitely vote against the former First Lady.

Twenty-four percent (24%) of Americans now believe that Senator Clinton is ?very likely? to be the Democratic Presidential nominee in 2008, 33% believe that she is ?somewhat likely? to be the Democratic candidate. These numbers have changed very little since the last Hillary Meter, despite recent media speculation about other possible Democratic nominees.

The Hillary Meter is a twice monthly measure of Senator Hillary Clinton's effort to move to the political center. The next update is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, 2006. For as long as the former First Lady is a viable candidate for the White House, Rasmussen Reports will monitor public perceptions of her political ideology
Ransom you have a lot more interest in Hillary than I do, ad this survey to your pile of pictures and you're well on your way to being her number one fan.

Who said she wasn't a liberal? all she has to do to become president is beat Rudy, the polls say she's on track to do just that. they're both dorks but Hillary gets you excited more than the cross dresser, that's good I guess. she's your most famous sotherner right now so you keep dreaming about her, when I get back you can update me.

Your too funny. I heard she's meeting you at Jacob Lake.
My vote is goiing to Jeff Davis.

On another note good luck on your hunt. You'll need it with Global Warming and all.

Your too funny. I heard she's meeting you at Jacob Lake."

Dude, beware the strap-on, We know you like her we just dont know if you like that much!


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