Dude, did you survive?



just wondering if you survived the rodeo and the hang over, so I can send you your Bible...LOL
LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-07 AT 12:00PM (MST)[p]>Send him one anyway, Manny. lol

can't he's undocumneted...LOL
All I did this year was the wild cow milking, I'm too old for the rough stock anymore and by the time I get drunk enough to think I'm not too old I'm too drunk to climb on, no injuries to report there.

I suffered bad on the hang over though, after I woke up I even prayed once but it didn't help, somehow I did find the guidence not to do it again the next night. does this happen to everyone or am I just out of practice? I hate to think I'm washed up at 44 but I can't take it like I used to. maybe the old saying about avoiding hang overs by staying drunk it true.
My bet is that you were celebrating with that 10 THOUSAND dollar welfare check you received from the gov't. No wonder you are a Demo worshipper. I almost spelled Demo...Devil.
HD, I'm couple years behind you, and I dont even enter the wild cow milken anymore, and if I drink too much it takes me two days to recover. I used leave the bar after a rodeo, head to after hours and still make it to check cattle or feed or irrigate, or whatever by 6am! I try to stay home more and drink less, it seems to make my body much happier. . .
Bomber, Wrong, I don't even get the check until next month. I was spending the money Bush saved me on taxes, your kids can do without to pay off our spending for the rest of their lives. no wonder you're a Lib worshiper, you get your kids to pay your bills and we get to party now, sweet!

I hear you, my older freinds say it only gets worse. probably just as well with my genes, we'll just have to moderate some I guess.
You should try it, it's a riot to watch but a good way to get kicked if you don't know what you're doing, or even if you do. these rips are range cows, not dairy pets.

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