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I would like to hear what you have to say about this.

Israeli Minister Avi Dichter Says U.S. Assessment on Iran Could Lead to Regional War

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad listens to a question during press conference at the presidency in Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
12-15-2007 8:45 PM
By LAURIE COPANS, Associated Press Writer

JERUSALEM (Associated Press) -- Israel's public security minister warned Saturday that a U.S. intelligence report that said Iran is no longer developing nuclear arms could lead to a regional war that would threaten the Jewish state.

In his remarks _ Israel's harshest criticism yet of the U.S. report _ Avi Dichter said the assessment also cast doubt on American intelligence in general, including information about Palestinian security forces' crackdown on militant groups. The Palestinian action is required as part of a U.S.-backed renewal of peace talks with Israel this month.

Dichter cautioned that a refusal to recognize Iran's intentions to build weapons of mass destruction could lead to armed conflict in the Middle East.

He compared the possibility of such fighting to a surprise attack on Israel in 1973 by its Arab neighbors, which came to be known in Israel for the Yom Kippur Jewish holy day on which it began.

"The American misconception concerning Iran's nuclear weapons is liable to lead to a regional Yom Kippur where Israel will be among the countries that are threatened," Dichter said in a speech in a suburb south of Tel Aviv, according to his spokesman, Mati Gil. "Something went wrong in the American blueprint for analyzing the severity of the Iranian nuclear threat."

Dichter didn't elaborate on the potential scenario but seemed to imply that a world that let its guard down regarding Iran would be more vulnerable to attack by the Islamic regime.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had disputed the U.S. intelligence assessment this month, saying that Iran continues its efforts to obtain components necessary to produce nuclear weapons. Tehran still poses a major threat to the West and the world must stop it, Olmert said.

Israel has for years been warning that Iran is working on nuclear weapons and backed the United States in its international efforts to exert pressure on Iran to stop the program. Israel considers Iran a significant threat because of its nuclear ambitions, its long-range missile program and repeated calls by its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for the disappearance of Israel.

Iran says its nuclear program is for purely peaceful purposes.

Israel will work to change the American intelligence agencies' view of Iran, said Dichter, a former chief of Israel's Shin Bet secret service agency.

"A misconception by the world's leading superpower is not just an internal American occurrence," Dichter said.

Any future faulty U.S. intelligence on the actions of Palestinian security forces could damage peace efforts, Dichter said.

"Those same (intelligence) arms in the U.S. are apt to make a mistake and declare that the Palestinians have fulfilled their commitments, which would carry with it very serious consequences from Israel's vantage point," Dichter said.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-07 AT 10:39PM (MST)[p]Bush's fault of course. Zogby reports that 52% of American support military action.

What could you expect, Israel has nothing to gain by us backing off on Iran. since Israel is the reason we're at odds with the Muslims in the first place let them worry about Iran, if we think Iran is working on or getting close to having a nuclear weapon we'll deal with it then. until that point there's nothing we can do anyway.

If you want the story on Israel and how much money we give them look at this site, it's the CRS report to congress. keep in mind we fund their military also so friction is good for the pocket book. if you think I'm not a fan you're right, if we want to save some money here's a great place to start.

Just based on past experiences, I am willing to bet that Israel's intelligence is far better then ours in that part of the country. They have human contacts in most Arab countries where we have zilch to confirm any new intelligence that may appear on the radar screen.
One example, during Jimmy Carter's failed attempt to retrieve out embassy hostages. Our military and intelligence turned to Israel's intelligence for information where our hostages was being held and maps of the streets and buildings in order to plan the assault of the sites. Israel did their part and was able to supply up to date intel that did us no good due to our poor planning on not seeing the un-expected turn of events while going in.
Dude I know you do not care for Israel or it's people, you have made that plain in the past, but this not just a problem for Israel. This is a problem for our country as well. I prefer to keep the radical muslims confined to conventional explosives in car bombings and using aircraft as bombs. I do not want some radical muslim bent on jihad to have a car bomb that is a nuke and capable of taking out a major portion of a big city.
If we fail to take care of this with out military action, Israel will take care of it with a military strike and we will have to back them. Get ready to open your pocket book, if I got to pay, I surely want you to pay your fair share also.
My only wonder is if Israel will use conventional bombs or their own nukes to remove those sites. Bess may get his wish and see that part of the country turned into glass.

If Israel uses nukes they'll be eliminated, Israel and the US aren't the only ones with nukes remember. if our intel is as bad as you say why believe anything they say, and we're not going to ignore Iran we're just not going to start a war today.

So you're good with as much money as we give them? maybe we should vote on it ? those of you who think Israel somehow is worth the investment can pony up. why do I have to love Israel and it's people anyway? they truly are special I guess if love and money are required .
Dude, you are being a little dishonest with your 'issues' with giving Israel money, while you say NOTHING about the billions we give to MANY other countries in the region. That means either you are a little slow or a bigot. I personally wish we stopped giving money to ALL the countries, but to single out the ONE ally in the region who is VITAL to American interests, is non-sensical.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Where did I say I get a warm fuzzy from giving money to any country for nothing? since Israel is by far the biggest hand in our pocket it makes sense to bring them up. make their welfare a check off box on our tax returns, if you like them you pay, give to the fullest extent of your caring but leave me out of it. why should I feel it's my duty to support and protect Israel? just because you guys suck it up like a Hoover deluxe doesn't mean I have to.

Don't worry about Israel they have the most powerful lobby in DC. they'll be fine without my love, all they need is my money and they'll get it.
Dude so do you still luv that NIE? Open just one eye to a squint, the lite is out there. By the way that report was made by State Dept people that moved over to CIA. Why are the there?
Here dude some more of your people.
Illegals Charged With Multiple Home Invasions
12-17-2007 1:54 AM

(Bisbee, AZ) -- Three illegals arrested December 6th after a manhunt involving Cochise County deputies and U.S. Border Patrol agents were indicted Thursday in connection to multiple home invasions. Between the three Mexican nationals, they are charged with more than 40 counts, including kidnapping, first-degree armed burglary, and theft, reports "The Sierra Vista Herald." The men were captured after fleeing on foot from a home invasion in the Pearce area, during which they tied up a 58-year-old woman in her guest house after she heard strange sounds in the house. The woman was not injured.
You been tipping the bottle again lizard? what does me not feeling like Santa to Israel have to do with wetbacks? or when I said I was a half breed did you think that ment I was half Mexican? get some sleep and check back.
While you guys squabble amongst yourselves on this post I can tell you one thing Israel is NOT going to take any crap from anybody. One thing about Mosaic Law it is still based on basic principles and responsibilities and since the extermination of 7 million people in WWII they fully live by it in this day and age.
So I'm supposed to be good with funding their country and enforcing their Mosaic law right? if we weren't the piggy bank and didn't have to back them up on every fight they're involved in I wouldn't care. Israel doesn't take any crap from anybody because we're right behind them with our military and a blank check, that could change in years to come.

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