


How about a spring duck shot?

Love them pintails!!!!!!!!!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-08 AT 12:10PM (MST)[p]I need a copy of that to frame. How much $? I thought you didn't do waterfowl. Where was this at? Seriously, I need a copy.

And why is this in the political talk forum?
Great sprig photo! Those lover flocks are great to watch in flight. I love watching pintails, working them, shooting them and eating them. One of the great duck species. Too bad they are mostly just a west coast duck, and most of the rest of the country doesn't have many sprig.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-08 AT 12:49PM (MST)[p]
hey zig, shoot me an email, i've got all kinds of great pintail shots. That was a shot taken from my first real bird outing. I think i'm going to start shooting more birds, it was a blast and reminded me of my duck hunting days! It was taken at Benton. . .

It's in this forum because that's where i wanted it to go. . .no real reason, just tired of burying my stuff in the photo forum.

It is for sale how big do you want it? I think we could go up to about 36" or so if you like. . . .

Here's a cool shot, i only noticed it when i looked at on the computer, these ducks fly so fast that you can tell if they are looking at you when you pull the trigger. . .

Shot with 700mm of magnification, that's like a pair of 14 power binos. . .


Those are GREAT. I love those Pintails, especially that pair flying together. Great stuff.

No offence but this is the political forum...........not the photography forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please remove. :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

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