Duck huntiing pics


Very Active Member

Was fortunate to get out again with a great buddy it was slow but as always a great time
Hey Mule!

Now You gotta eat Them Damn Things!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Yep, now that the big game season are shutting down I'm gonna have to go shoot a few myself. Thanks for the reminder:)
>Any day you shoot a drake
>pintail, is a good day!
>At least in my neck
>of the woods.

Truer words never spoken. I have duck hunted most of my life and still don't have a woodie or a pin.
>Hey Mule!
>Now You gotta eat Them Damn
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D


I'll bet you are waiting for the "you aren't cooking them right" comment :)
My buddy has the dog he's only one and it was actually the dogs birthday that day so a good time indeed but did a great job yeah I found a way to choke them down Bess hahahaha
Tis the season for whistling wings here too. Been blasting more air than birds.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."

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