Duck hunt Sex lines?



I guess the bright side is when you get caught calling a phone sex line by your wife, you can plead that you were just trying to get your duck stamp.

WASHINGTON - People calling a federal phone number to order duck stamps are instead greeted by a phone-sex line, due to a printing error the government says would be too expensive to correct.
The carrier card for the duck stamp transposes two numbers, so instead of listing 1-800-782-6724, it lists 1-800-872-6724. The first number spells out 1-800-STAMP24, while the second number spells out 1-800-TRAMP24.
People calling that second number are welcomed by "Intimate Connections" and enticed by a husky female voice to "talk only to the girls that turn you on," for $1.99 a minute.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-08 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]SURE! Great excuse! Uhhhh you see honey I was just trying to get my duck stamp and ummm uhhh well I new the prices had gone up and um uhhh.......

Duck hunting offers many excuses for bad behavior!

Like this one - "Honest mom - we were practicing up on this new duck call getting ready for the teal season! It's not what it seems!"


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>It works! I need a cigarette
>now! (and a duck stamp)

And some Doritos?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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