Duck Creek


Very Active Member
Heading down this weekend for my wifes family reunion. I have never been there, are the roads any good?

Is the fishing any good?

Are there any places to shoot my bow?

Any must see sights?


I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-11 AT 00:26AM (MST)[p]also if you go down the road toward cedar you could fish at navajo lake. duck creek is fun to fish but usually crowded. aspen mirrow lake is a little less crowded and very close to duck creek. take some bug spray they were thick up there last week. swing down to milts stage stop if you want a good steak for dinner. its on highway 14 about ten miles out of cedar city. or you could go over to panguitch lake. if you play your cards right you could wind up being too busy to get to the reunion!!!
The fishing is suppose to be good at Navajo Lake. Don't waste your time at the Duck Creek pond by the Campground. You can shoot your bow about anywhere there. Mammoth Cave it cool, but I bet it is full of water.

That area down there is really cool. Lots to do close by. Where are you staying? If you don't have ATV's you can always rent some at Pinewoods Resort. Lots of trails down there. Zions is only an hour away as well as Bryce. You shouldn't have a shortage of things to do.
Good atv rides, awesome caves for the kids, hike around to the back of navajo lake to see where it comes out to become part of the virgin river. Short drive to see Cedar Breaks.

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