drop camp hunt colorado


rookie (Guest)

Well here goes, I hate being the uninformed out of towner (maybe backwoods in this case). A friend and I would like to take the plunge and head out west preferably colorado, but that's not set in stone for a rifle elk hunt in 04. I know squat about elk hunting or colorado, but we are both proficient white tail hunters and outdoorsmen. Not afraid of the dark, unless there are mountain lions or bears snuffling the tent fly, then hey I want my night light. Not afraid to spend some money to make a quality hunt happen, I'm budgeting $2500 or so for my share and he's planning on the same. What can we come up with for those numbers (plane fare is included in the $2500)? Can we do a good drop camp hunt and get away from the crowds? The last thing I want to do is pay good money and find a campful of drunken cheeseheads just down the hill or god forbid michiganders (richer version of cheesehead) Just kidding WI and MI guys. I've spoken to one gentleman who sounded very nice, but I didn't have the greatest feeling about the remoteness of his operation, he said the camp was about 4 mi from the trailhead and there could be a bit of traffic. Not my idea of solitude. A lake or creek system would be great. I just want to see some beatiful country and have a reasonable chance to take an elk. Any advice from you folks would be greatly appreciated. Snowing in Indiana tonight, might have a white xmas.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Larry 260-463-2490 if anyone wants to chat
larry...go to the mule deer forum and ask to speak to Deerking. if anyone here can help you out, i'm sure he can
Save your money. If you do some groundwork and with a little help from some others, you can certinly get into seom quality areas without dumping a boatload of cash on a drop camp. Sometimes these are the way to go, but I'm willing to bet that if you reach out to the right individuals and are willing to bust your butt, you should do OK. Ya, Deerking is probably going to be your A number 1 source and he provides a good service for out of towners not sure of where to go or what to do..........and he's a good guy too.
Several options for getting away from crowds.
1) Private land lease. No crowds, some decent country if you do your homework, and ballpark of $1500/person for a decent property. I know of a good ranch if interested. I have hunted it and can recommend it.
2) Drop camp. probably $1200-1500 per person. Remember however, that they don't put drop camps in their most primo areas. Better yet is to do the research and find out where you want to hunt, then find someone who will do a drop camp there for you.
3) Deerking. He is the man. He will scout you out some prime country for you to get to yourself. I killed a trophy muley in a spot he recommended for me. He is not a guide and will not guide you, but you can be assured that you will be in PRIME country. You would spend less for both of you than you would spend for one person in a drop camp. However, you still have to get there yourself and get your elk out if you are successful.

Good luck


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

thanks for the information, I posted a note for the Deer King on the deer board. txhunter58 I will be certainly contacting you.
You all have a great xmas and I'll revisit the board later today. The boy and I are getting ready to load up the beagles, five of us are goin rabbit hunting today!!!

I agree; drop camps are OK, but not your only option. I live in Idaho. I'm not an outfitter, but a lifelong resident hunter. I've taken my share of both mule deer and elk (total of about 90, with rifle, bow & black powder; all on public ground, nearly all during general seasons).

Some of our mule deer areas are down (too many lions) in population, but we've got elk coming out of the woodwork.

For less than the money you mentioned and some physical work, you can be right in the middle deer or elk (sometimes simultaneous seasons).

The remoteness depends on what you want and the work you're willing to do. A lot of people out west have their own horses and pack into remote areas. Scenic is guaranteed, but not necessarily total solitude; also not necessary to be successful.

If you'd like advice, more info or the regs, let me know.

Drop camp can save you setup and material handeling,
You have 15 weeks from now to make your decision,
Where are you from?
Are you an outdoors person?
Do you camp now?
what season?
bow, and muzzy. will put you in full rut.
and you'll sit up at night with shaking chills, as you lission the the screams from the bulls....
first rifle season will usaly bring in a light dusting of snow say 8"
Thats not to say you won't catch a little snow bow or muzz season, We did this last year.
There is still a few screams here and there.
cows that did'nt take the first trip are coming back in.
and there are a lot of hunters.
second season a little tuffer, they have been pushed and are growing skiddish, some just seam to vanish from where they have existed all summer and fall.
and you cood get your self locked in for a little longer than you planed with a sudden heavy snow. but damn is it pretty when that happens.
third season definetly move down. there headed for their winter range if there not there already.
this will take you to a lot of privet property.
get a hold of the local seat and find out fron the dow who is there big hay growere in the area, this will put you just where you want to be,
don't be a fraid to contact them.
most of them want to save there fields and don't give a rats ass about trespass fees.

Don't concern your self about the bears or cats,
even though they consider yu part of the food chain,
Keep a clean and orderly camp.
keep a keen sence of awareness around you, and you'll have a memerable time.

have you thought about driving out, this will help when it comes time to get your meat back, let alone that huge rack.
You can cut your expences down to around 800 buck, if you drive and aquire some knollage from others here, pick up some good maps off the net,
Your not garanteed success but it will put memories in that hunt that will out last even the biggest bull you come across,
There are lots of posibalities, from hunting a stones trough from your vehical, light packing back in on foot, to renting horses, or forewheelers in some areas.
I have gone from exstream 19 miles back in, towing my own horses out, and having a time of my life.
to finding privet property where the owner was sick and tired of having his cash crop, hay devowered by heards of elk, no tresspass fee, just wanted them all shot.
I'm heading out there this year, applying for first muzzy,(bull)
second first rifle (bull)
Over the years i have a quired all the making for the camp,
Once you've made the trip, walked the walk, talked the talk,
and lived what dreams are made of, You'll never let a nother ELK season pass you by.
Good luck.
My advise would be to talk to Jeff (Deerking). He can set you up for alot cheaper than a guide. And he knows his stuff!!!

In NM 2500.00 won't get you threw the front door if your looking for a guided Elk hunt.
"ask to speak to Deerking"

I laughed out loud at that bit of phrasing. I'm sure Jeff loved it too.

I can just picture you being ushered in a dark room in a antler palace as Jeff sits on a throne made of muley sheds. His eyes meet yours and he simply says. "What is it you wish to know?"

Sorry Jeff. I couldn't help it.

Its gets freakin' silly around here sometimes.
A lot of good advice has gone your way already. If you want to talk with some outfitters in Colorado this is a good link http://www.colorado-outfitters.com/
I own Davis Tent & Awning and know of a number of good outfitters through my business. (However, I am always reluctant to recommend one over another), But if you find an area you want to hunt I could put you in touch with several good outfitters/guides who work that area.
Roy Davis
OOOOOOHHHHHMMMMMM, OOOOOOOOHHHHHMMMMMM, The DeerKing will seee you now, I'm picturing a scene from Conan the barbarian complete with the scantily clad serving wenches.

Actually Jeff has already made contact with me via email and we have a discussion going.

Hey all thanks so much for the info, it's tough being a rookie and I'm too darn old to be this green. but I've never hunted big game in the west. spent some time coyote hunting the red desert in WY, but that's not quite the same.

roy I'm thinking we'd like to hunt sw or nw colorado, but again I'm pretty open. Any referrals would give me some more research to do.

If we can find the right do it yourself, that'd be great, but I don't want to try and skimp and end up blowing the trip. Neither one of us is rich or we'd be doing the fully guided NM thing, but we aren't in the poor house (yet anyway).

TX hunter I sent you a private msg inquiring about the ranch you mentioned. I'm going to put some effort into making this first trip a good one..

Larry Hall
I know a guide named Gary Hubble who owns outwest guides and his website is "outwestguides". He'll take you deep into the widerness and treat you right. Let me know if you need more info, Steve
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-03 AT 11:30AM (MST)[p]Who are you greybeard (Guest)? How do you know this outfitter? Anybody else who is not a "guest" know or recommend this outfitter? Just curious.

I have heard of this outfitter, but don't really know anything about him except you would be in some of the most beautiful country in Colorado. I have hiked and camped in the area for many years, but have never hunted. The game should be there.
I hunted with him on a mm hunt a few years ago. He runs the horse rental stables just before you get into the town of Marble. And YES, that is some of the most beautiful country on the planet. Also Tex, there's a place there that holds some big bucks if you have the strength and nuts to get there. Some of it is private and access is very difficult but no one ever hunts it. Let me know if you're crazy enough to try it. Gary was going to try and get access to it via horses but I don't think he tried real hard yet. He knows the guys that own it. I'd go back there but I've found a better place (access anyway) to hunt in CO. Steve
By the way, I'm not a guest. Look on the other forums or ask Brian. For some reason my name comes up guest here. Steve

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